Re-Strapping the OBO Robo LH glove
If you have NEVER had your Robo left hand glove blasted off when saving a rocket then you can stop reading this article now. If this has happened to you and you would like to know how to adjust the glove without any cutting, glueing or taping then read on. It will also take you less than a minute to make the change.
Below are some pics of how the OBO Robo left hand glove arrives out of the bag.
Now lets get onto the hack. Simply undo the elastic strap and pull it back through the two slits in the foam padding. Now thread each side through the slits again from the bottom so they meet in the middle. You may need to turn the buckle on the side to slide it through. It is tight, but it will slide through. Now just slip the elastic strap through the buckle and adjust for comfort.
You should now find that when you slide the glove over your left hand that the elastic will need to stretch a little to get your hand in. This is perfect as it will stop your hand slipping out easily.
The pics below should give you a good guide. If you love the change keep it and leave a comment. If you hate it you can simply change it back.
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