Cross training
"Cross training” (or circuit training) is the phrase used to explain athletes training in other sports than the one that is their main focus (i.e. hockey in our case!), to work on inherent skills like muscle memory, reaction speeds, response time, stamina and tactical awareness/decision making. With so much variety available, multiple sports give the chance for a sportsman (or woman!) to work on aspects of their own game outside the constraints and pressures of their sporting environment. Of course, although if, as internationals, they are going to be playing still with games over the course of the summer when everyone else is resting (on the laurels even perhaps!)
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Missing Something?
If you can't find what you are looking for on here you can email one of the friendly team at OBO in New Zealand on either of the following addresses... or
Great News!
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Can I paint my CK helmet?
Painting should be undertaken by an experienced painter. It is quite difficult and probably not that easy to do at home without experience and the needed materials. The process is similar to airbrushing plastic parts of cars (bumpers/fenders etc)
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Elbow Guard Review
I have used the elbow pads on a couple of occasions and knew that they were very popular with the other guys. If I was last to get changed for training the elbow pads had already gone and were being used. The more I have worn them the more comfortable they have become.
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Inside the OBO kicker
Hey guys, thought this might interest some of you who want to know whats really in your kicker. We've deconstructed a kicker to show you a little bit about how they work and what they're really made of.
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Keeper Stop Motion
A very clever video put together by Dutch goal keeper Anne Veenendaal. Using 248 still pictures of every movement Anne was able to create a movie that showed a goal keeper magically being dressed in OBO gear.
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Why OBO chose not to use D3O
A little over 7 years ago, a radical new protection polymer called D30 was offered to OBO
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Legguard straps slipping loose
I've encountered a bit of an issue with my leg guards lately--the straps slip loose a little bit
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Skinny or fatboy?
I am buying a new goalie stick, I wondered what you thought was better out of the fatboy and skinny?
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The First Ever Goalkeeper Coach & Trainer Forum
Martijn Drijver, principal of the Drijver Goalie Academy based in The Netherlands has suggested it’s high time that goalkeeper Coaches and Trainers from around the world get together for a day of sharing, learning, discussions and doing ... and of course some fun.
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