Carbohydrate and fluid intake by Rachel Durdin
As a goalkeeper we are wearing so much protective equipment that our body cannot effectively cool itself. I am sure you all know the feeling of coming off the playing field after a hard training or game covered in sweat. It is very important to replace the fluid we lose so that our body is adequately hydrated and can perform optimally during the next session.
When I train I make sure to have at least one bottle of water before training and I always have a bottle behind the goal so I can drink during the session.
People do not realize how important it is to be well hydrated. Our muscles can work more efficiently when we are hydrated, as our body is able to take the waste products away more efficiently. If I am dehydrated I notice my legs feeling very heavy and tired. I am sure you have heard that you should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Well that is for everyday people who may not be exercising. Goalkeepers should be drinking much more than this. If you find it hard to drink water you can try a small amount of cordial or energy drink powders to give it a bit more flavour!
As well as being well hydrated getting enough nutrients before a game or training is also very important. My routine before I play is to eat three hours before a match. This is so I do not feel hungry during the game and I am not feeling “full”. I wouId generally try to eat a sandwich or baked beans so that I have plenty of energy. However after you play or train it is important to try and eat something within 30 minutes so you can replace the energy you have burned up exercising. I would normally try to have some sports drinks or sandwiches to get some carbohydrates into my system. A quick and tasty alternative to this is some jelly babies or similar soft jubes, which are glucose rich. They also taste great!
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