Today’s goalkeeper needs to be a super hero – speed, strength, courage, energy, reflexes, coordination, agility, skill, decisiveness, and determination. It’s no longer the fat person who gets put in goal just because they take up the most space.
There’s an old adage that says, “You are what you eat”. If you want to be a fireball of energy, a steel ball of muscle, or a butterball of fat, it’s going to depend on what you put into your body and how you train your body.
Good nutrition is a key aspect to the performance of any keeper. If you’ve ever felt tired during training, or worse during a game, it may be that your nutrition needs are lacking. Consuming the right foods at the right time can ensure that you have sufficient energy levels to get you through your toughest training and game. It also enables your body to recovery faster, your muscles to grow stronger, and your mind to stay sharper.
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