Suggestions For Using The Hi-Rebound RHP On The Ground by Roland Löwe
There are two major positions for using the SP RHP on the ground:
1. Long forehand slide or penalty corner defence:
– as the glove contacts the ground the glove is able to rotate to the most suitable position for play on the ground.
– the longer you stretch your arm the more the glove rotates right into the final position as seen in the picture.
– inside the glove your hand rotates left into the opposite direction to keep the stick in the right position.
– if you stand up again the glove and stick rotate back into the normal position.
2. Sliding backhand tackle:
– for the sliding backhand tackle you use the the sliding part of you glove.
– the glove stays in the normal position.
– rotate the stick to the left to get into the backhand postion.
– press the top of the stick on the ground so that you do not lose contact.
– this kind of tackle allows you to play the ball with your stick or glove.
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