WHBS european hockey tour
BY GKCam April 26, 2011
After 18 months of fundraising a squad of 29 great hockey players from Westlake Boys High in Auckland leave for Singapore today on their way to Holland and UK. I am really grateful to OBO for generously sponsoring my entry in the tour programme and I am looking forward to giving my OBO Cloud gear a real workout over the next 4 weeks of some intense hockey including the HDM International Youth Hockey Tournament in The Hague over Easter. First game is on Monday in Singapore in 39 degrees of heat – can I get aircon for my body armour please? Oh that’s right OBO is so cool I won’t need it!!!!!!
Swiss Keeper
2011-04-28 09:45:49
Brilliant Haka guys!
2011-04-28 21:35:23
pity they didnt have time to play us (Tornados HC Singapore)
you'll love the humidty here. temperature is more likely to be 32-35 degrees but its the 70-95pct humidity that kills you. I've been keeping here 3 years and its hard work
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