Toni Cronk OBO Profile
BY Toni Cronk November 4, 2009
What club you play for: South Perth
What Country you play for: Australia
Great achievements: Commonwealth Gold in Melbourne 2006
List of gear you use: Robo Hi-Rebound legs and kickers, Hi-control RHP, Hi Rebound LHP, ROBO FG Splat helmet, skinny thing stick and ROBO BA.
Best goalie memory: every time I play for my country, it brings another special memory
How often do you train: 6 days a week
International caps: 65
International debut: October 2001 versus New Zealand in Melbourne
Any secret tips: Just be where the ball is…
Goals in life: Own several of my own business’s
Here is picture from the 09 Champion Trophy with my custom Aussie pads:
2010-05-18 21:34:23
I remember Toni when she was a field player. I vaguely remember her taking time off to go and play soccer then returning and becoming a keeper. I left the club at that stage. I'm a keeper too and thus very pleased to have another union member. Great talent and hard work has paid off in the end. Great to see you made the Aussie side and kept the job. I saw her play in Sydney last year and she made it look easy.
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