If you want to have comments /
questions / ideas / wisdom /
poetry for us, email us directly
on feedback@obo.co.nz
Funny (not really) how the ball always finds the gap... the OBO knee protector is designed for those nasty unexpected balls you were least expecting. Confidence.
Funny (not really) how the ball always finds the gap... the OBO knee protector is designed for those nasty unexpected balls you were least expecting. Confidence.
Also works for:
Washing Machine
Washing Machine
If your gear develops a very strong odour this accessory is very useful...no seriously! For more information on use head on over to OBO Tutorial Gear Cleaning - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcujTEV4MQQ
Also works for:
ROBO Arm Guard, ROBO Body Armour, ROBO Bored Shorts, ROBO Elbow Guard, ROBO Elbow Guard Lite, ROBO Hot Pants, ROBO Overpants, ROBO Throat Guard, ROBO Throat Guard + Bib, ROBO Pelvic Guard (Female), ROBO Groin Guard (Male), CLOUD Arm Guard, CLOUD Body Armour, CLOUD Groin Guard (Male), CLOUD Hot Pants, CLOUD Overpants, CLOUD Pelvic Guard (Female), CLOUD Throat Guard, YAHOO Arm Guards, YAHOO Body Armour, YAHOO Bored Shorts, YAHOO Elbow Guard, YAHOO Groin Guard (Male), YAHOO Pelvic Guard (Female), YAHOO Throat Guard, OGO Throat Guard, OGO Smarty Pants, OGO Pelvic Guard (Female), OGO Groin Guard (Male), OTHER Goalie Shirt, Long Sleeve Loose, OTHER Goalie Shirt, Short Sleeve Loose, OTHER Goalie Shirt, Short Sleeve Tight
L | |
Total Length
Circumference - above knee
27 - 38cm
Circumference - below knee
26 - 30cm
Total Length
L | |
Circumference - above knee
L | |
27 - 38cm
Circumference - below knee
L | |
26 - 30cm
If you want to have comments /
questions / ideas / wisdom /
poetry for us, email us directly
on feedback@obo.co.nz