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Cross training
"Cross training” (or circuit training) is the phrase used to explain athletes training in other sports than the one that is their main focus (i.e. hockey in our case!), to work on inherent skills like muscle memory, reaction speeds, response time, stamina and tactical awareness/decision making. With so much variety available, multiple sports give the chance for a sportsman (or woman!) to work on aspects of their own game outside the constraints and pressures of their sporting environment. Of course, although if, as internationals, they are going to be playing still with games over the course of the summer when everyone else is resting (on the laurels even perhaps!)
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Missing Something?
If you can't find what you are looking for on here you can email one of the friendly team at OBO in New Zealand on either of the following addresses... or
Great News!
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Can I paint my CK helmet?
Painting should be undertaken by an experienced painter. It is quite difficult and probably not that easy to do at home without experience and the needed materials. The process is similar to airbrushing plastic parts of cars (bumpers/fenders etc)
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Elbow Guard Review
I have used the elbow pads on a couple of occasions and knew that they were very popular with the other guys. If I was last to get changed for training the elbow pads had already gone and were being used. The more I have worn them the more comfortable they have become.
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Inside the OBO kicker
Hey guys, thought this might interest some of you who want to know whats really in your kicker. We've deconstructed a kicker to show you a little bit about how they work and what they're really made of.
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Keeper Stop Motion
A very clever video put together by Dutch goal keeper Anne Veenendaal. Using 248 still pictures of every movement Anne was able to create a movie that showed a goal keeper magically being dressed in OBO gear.
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Why OBO chose not to use D3O
A little over 7 years ago, a radical new protection polymer called D30 was offered to OBO
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Legguard straps slipping loose
I've encountered a bit of an issue with my leg guards lately--the straps slip loose a little bit
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Skinny or fatboy?
I am buying a new goalie stick, I wondered what you thought was better out of the fatboy and skinny?
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The First Ever Goalkeeper Coach & Trainer Forum
Martijn Drijver, principal of the Drijver Goalie Academy based in The Netherlands has suggested it’s high time that goalkeeper Coaches and Trainers from around the world get together for a day of sharing, learning, discussions and doing ... and of course some fun.
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A Few Words from Rach Lynch
My views on the relationship between team goalkeepers have naturally been shaped by experiences throughout my career and the influence of people I have played with and been coached by.
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Wondering what the best set of OBO pants to buy is?
Is it the Robo Bored Shorts? Or the Robo Hot Pants?
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CK Helmet Refurbishment by Alastair Hume
Three years ago, I decided to refurbish and repaint my Obo CK helmet...
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Jon’s Tips: Painting Your OBO Helmet
For all you creative OBO-ites who’ve been asking about painting your OBO helmets but aren’t sure how to go about it, here’s some ideas and advice based on recent experience. If you’re handy and keen, you can jazz up your helmet at a reasonable price on your own.
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November Sale 2013
It's finally here! The annual event you have all been waiting for...
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Leg Burner!!
Join OBO and USA National Goalkeeper Jackie Kintzer for a leg burning fitness session!
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Can I paint my OBO helmet?
The helmet you have has a clear coat of lacquer which will need to be stripped before you paint....
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Taping arm pads
A simple but effective tip for those arm pad wearers out there, who use the removable Obo pads (which also give you more set-up options, if you think about it versus attached ones sewn into the body armour!), more specifically, is to tape them! With the design of the elbow pad that goes around the bone, rather than a hard shell fixed in place, you will see a lot of Obo arm pad users taping their pads to ensure the pad stays fixed in place and gives more flexibility when bending at the joint for those glove saves nearer the body. The tape helps hold the inner bicep protection in place for the newer range of Obo pads, whilst at the same time also helping keeping that bend at the joint for all important flexibility for those instantaneous reflex saves. Some electrical tape taped around the arm pad in this way, will help to keep the pad together and give important movement as stated. With taping, it essentially forces the foam into the bend that you need for that bending motion for save making whilst wearing the arm pads.
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Goalkeeper or shot stopper?
As you look to move on from the basics of shot stopping and evolving your game as a goalkeeper, you need to think (perhaps thinking hard and conscientiously about it, if you want to!) about how you play as a goalkeeper, and your roles and responsibilities within the team. About how you need to work to intercept and interrupt passes by the opposition to stop them from gaining a chance to score. When you consider it, a goalkeeper should be able to shut down attacks and passing opportunities, providing a presence behind their defence that is able to do their job when the defensive line is ‘caught short’. You will see goalkeepers at the elite levels who play a more proactive style, rushing out to tackle or clear away the ball, especially in the indoor game, where being active and aggressive in challenging and intercepting a pass is really important for a goalkeeper to succeed in the fast paced indoor arena.
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Own-goal rule: opinions wanted!
Hi again guys! For my column for Push hockey magazine this month, I'm taking a look at the "mandatory experiment" that is the own-goal rule. Personally, I'm with Jamie Dwyer: I think it stinks. But what do you guys think of it?
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The art of visualisation
Visualisation is a useful technique for any goalkeeper, to help them with their confidence and save making. Visualising making saves at specific times within the game (say, at short corners) and specific saves, the goalkeeper can visualise the process of the save to help them concrete technique and build on their confidence, whilst helping make those glorious, spectacular saves, because of the self belief developed from these thoughts running through your mind pretty much all the time! Popular in a variety of sports, it can be applied to our own favourite sport, our beloved hockey, and been made use of when we approach our goalkeeping.
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With plyometrics (turns out it isn’t plymetrics, even though I thought otherwise, always thought it was plymetrics?!) needed for improving your jumping abilities and also useful for increasing agility and your explosive power, it is important that goalkeepers are made aware of this form of training and added it to their regime of outside-structured-training-training! They are a definitive aspect of athleticism when pushing out athletically and aggressively to save and explosiveness, ensuring an agile and athletic style that should crossover into your game and training sessions. It’s a standard part of training and exercising for football goalkeepers, who are expected to leave their feet to intercept and catch crosses, but they, for some reason, seem a little left out of the hockey repertoire.
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Bianca Russell’s choice of kit
Each and every keeper has different reasons for why they use certain pieces of OBO kit. We thought it would be nice for you guys to see and discuss what New Zealand goalkeeper Bianca Russell uses and why she chooses it.
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Turning with the face of the glove
With the glove offering a large surface area to block shots and turn away the ball on either side, it’s important to recognise that you should be facing them towards the play, so that you are already in a position. Like ice hockey goalies and footie goalies do anyway, with the analogy of already being in the right place for the right time (if that makes sense!). Pro-active and active hands are also better than lazy hands! Up and out is potentially how you want to have your gloves and normally the way to go, especially seen in Australia for example (potentially!), but you do see the same across Europe. And by having them faced, you can move with the glove, rather than trying to push out and swat upwards and at the ball.
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Hockeyworld Perth
Hockeyworld Bibra Lake is now open!! WA now has its very own Hockeyworld store and I have been lucky enough to be given the job of running it. Hockey is huge in WA with both the men's and women's Australian team based here and a strong club competition. There are a few different hockey stores in Perth but Hockeyworld is the first to exclusively offer the brands TK, Princess, BOP and the biggest range of OBO goalie gear.
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Lunging, as the technique has become known as (or is referred to as, because it is, after all, a lunging motion!), has become a new and useful addition to the saving repertoire offered to us hockey goalkeepers. An option a lot like making splits saves, the difference being related to the ability to drive with the head and maintain balance and thus keep rebounds down and controlled (versus bouncing up and away!). Rather than pushing out low and dropping, the goalkeeper stays upright and extends out with the leg, pushing from an upright position to extend out with the leg to reach the ball, as opposed to diving and hitting the deck and the complications of recoveries and consequential save making.
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The number one
So. You want to be the number one, right? You want to be the first choice, the one your team turns to, to play for them and get the wins? The one with the honour, the prestige and all the glory; the go-to-guy, the hero, the saviour of your team, the highlight reel shot stopper. You want to be considered the best around, maybe even the best of the best. Well, good for you. But do you know what cost it’ll come at; the blood, sweat and tears that it will take you to achieve this dream? Because, let’s face it, it’s in no way easy and takes a lot of personal sacrifice and effort. It’s going to be a hard fought, tough ride. You may even end up earning it after a battle with an incumbent (i.e. the current starter who is well respected by the team/club and been in the starting spot for a while now), but you might lose it to someone else looking to do what you’re intent to achieve.
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The need for speed
Not the video game I used to enjoy playing as a youngster, but making use of a title with the phrase with an allusion to the same premise, when it comes to getting involved with the game and being able to instantly sprint out when called upon, rather than looking like you’re not interested in winning! Arguably, whilst a goalkeeper may not be ‘on the move’ all the time as their team mates go up and down the pitch, the goalkeeper needs to able to react explosively and be able to run as quickly as possible within their kit to charge down an attacker or rebound opportunity say. And when it comes to your role and play within the overall game as a goalkeeper, you have to be ‘quick off the mark’ and a ‘speed demon’ (well, maybe not, that’s more like ‘Need for Speed’ but the metaphor’s there!) in relation to sprinting out for loose balls or interceptions; same for foot work and getting across goal.
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Along with baselayers, which are great for wicking away sweat as I’ve written about some time back, thermals can be pretty useful when playing in the winter months (whichever side of the globe you’re on, the earth spins on an axis after all!). In fact, there are some thermals that do that as well, so you can get rid of built up sweat (as you play well and build up a sweat, as they say in ice hockey, “working up a sweat out on the ice”!) and stay warm at the same time. Pretty useful, “killing two birds with one stone as the phrase goes”, goalkeeping wise! I currently have a pair of thermals that I also wear when skiing or maybe, eventually, snowboarding (if and when I get the rare opportunity to do some snow sports!) that are a pretty quality set that also wick away sweat, for warming the legs! Personally, I’m not a fan of British weather. I know it’s not the coldest place in the world (I’ve seen some awesome pictures of Canadian hockey goalies – I think they were – warming up outside in the snow!) but it can never make its mind up, so those dreary, cold and wet days when you’re playing in the damp that can get through your kit and the chill that gets to your bones, it’s handy to have something to keep you warm!
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FIH own goal rule. Our thoughts so far.
For those not aware the FIH has introduced a new rule where own goals can now be scored if any player from either team touches the ball in the circle and the ball enters the goal.
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Decision making
Decision making is an essential part of goalkeeping in the wider role of influencing the game and eliminating scoring opportunities to reduce the number of shots you face during a game. Shot stopping is obviously down to technique and fundamentals (positioning, angles), but decision making is a skill that is so fundamental and essential, yet difficult to learn and arguably something not totally taught by goalkeeper coaches, in the sense that if you are working purely and simply on technique. You may be able to do well in training focusing on shot stopping and foot work and so on, but if drills are not representative of in-game action or skills, then maybe it is possible to argue that.
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The cocky goalkeeper
The idea of self confidence is important for goalkeepers when thinking about how to play at their best, game in game out. And one way of thinking about it, is to consider a goalkeeper as cocky or evaluate their cockiness. As I’ve tried to write about recently, it is important to play confidently, ensuring that you are confident to come out and make tackles or interceptions and to get to lose balls that attackers may latch on. If you don’t/didn’t feel happy doing this, then you’re going to struggle to decrease the amount of scoring opportunities you will face in a game. And if you did not feel confident enough going up against the top of the table team or playing in an important and decisive game that could affect your playing ‘career’ (I say, I’m not sure !), then you’ve got to be confident.
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Playing it ‘your way’
When it comes to sport in general and goalkeeping, we are all different and unique and approach things differently. Like opinions maybe, we’ve all got our own opinion on things! Take runners, it’s a poor analogy, but Mo Farah isn’t exactly going to switch to doing sprints and Usain Bolt isn’t going to do marathons! With lightning speed versus endurance in that example. Everyone has their own strengths and qualities (in life as in goalkeeping!) and it should be realised and acknowledged, that you need to play in the way that suits you. You cannot play like someone else, unless of course of course you play in a similar way and find it useful to ‘shadow’ the way they play from game footage, highlights etc. And when it comes to being aware of kit and how affects the way you play, is a good idea to look at your own set-up and find foam and protection that suits your goalkeeping style.
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Keeping emotions in check
One thing that isn’t always considered when delving into the complexities of the psychological impact of our ‘mental game’ on the way we play, is how we balance the emotions that we feel; the ups and downs, especially within a game where the ability to do so is pretty important and essential to our chances of a comeback say and ‘keeping our team in it’. But these things can and will impact our game if we let them, and it’s important to recognise this when playing in between the posts. Whereas our team mates might feel the highs of a goal scored or the lows and disgruntlement of a goal being allowed, our position and the way we deal with the stresses and pressure of the role is a hard task, with ‘our backs up against the wall’ and ‘up against it’ as they say. Our temperament needs to be more lucid and calm, able to withstand the hardships of a goalkeeper and the things that ‘do our head in’, enough to play to our best. In order to perform to our optimum best, we goalies need to focus on keeping our emotions in check, sufficiently capable of managing things internally to get through the game with our sanity intact!
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The goalkeeper duel
A game is essentially down to how the goalkeeper performs, at each end of the pitch. The more goals one of them allows, the more likely their team is to lose, obviously! Ultimately, it’s a battle between the goalkeepers. Yes, but really any game (as I’d like to think!), it boils down to how well the goalkeeper at each end performs. If one has a bad day the office then they’re probably going to lose and lose out in points, and if the other does well, with the backing of their team, they can win and take home the three points with and for their team! But really, if you are struggling to find motivation in a game to play well, then perhaps you may want to think about mirroring yourself and your goalkeeping performance in response to the other team’s goalkeeper that you are facing up to?! And a simple yet potentially effective way of rethinking psychological inspiration and the ‘mental game’, is to consider the chance to prove yourself as a goalkeeper and pitting yourself against your opposite number, to encourage yourself to outperform them.
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Being a goalkeeper is boring
I don’t particularly think it is (although it can be very frustrating behind a team with a poor record), but at times you’ve got to be a little controversial to make a point, especially in writing. Those saves that make you look flash or superman aren’t going to be in every game and as your playing life develops, you’ll probably start to reconsider how you think about the position! In training you will often have a lot to do, but during games, you may not, commanding your defence and stopping chances developing before they come to fruition. But really, the boredom affects your game in terms of your ability to concentrate, pay attention and be able to make the important, decisive save as it happens, whenever it occurs time wise during the game (say early on to help keep your team in with a chance of taking the lead, or near the end of the match, to ensure you win!).
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Welcome to ‘the suck’
“The suck” as the Americans call it (I think I’m right there, please correct me if I’m wrong any would-be American readers!), is to do with things sucking and just learning to live with it, in the modern sense, I *think*! It’s something I read about somewhere recently in some discussion online between ice hockey goalies and thought it could be applied for understanding the ‘mental game’ and how we as goalkeepers need to be able to deal with the pressures and pains of playing the position we love, but more than; to manage the sensitivity of not letting things get to us. Without the ability to overcome the ‘suck’ in a goalkeeper’s season, it can have terrible affects on your team’s season. Just like the attempt to use ‘swagger’ as a way in to looking at self confidence, this is the chance to use a conceptualisation of dealing with adversity and a chance to do the flipside and look at how you keep it together when things are getting difficult. Especially so within a game (where you want to turn things around to tie it up or make a comeback) and also in a season (if it has derailed).
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Goalie ‘swagger’
‘Swagger’ is not exactly what you expect to think of when referring to hockey. But when it comes to goalkeeping (which is a part of the sport!), then you might be open minded in reconsidering!
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Sweat (wrist) bands
Just a quick equipment tip about using sweat bands to help with sweat (and keeping it away from your gloves so they don't slip off!).
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Low gloves at short corners
Just like I wrote about a couple of years back about using high gloves to help make standing saves against drag flicks at corners, the opposite (low gloves) can be argued as well, for those menacing and difficult low placed flicks you cannot reach from your standing position. Thoughts and analysis on how gravity and holding them low equates to reaching such flicks, as well as a new trend that seems to be becoming popular at short corners.
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Aerial ‘punts’
Another article trying to 'think outside the box' and consider the goalkeeper's options for punting away high balls or punting a high ball as an outlet pass.
Edit: managed to get some action shots after heading to Guildford to watch a game, where Mason thankfully did so!!
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‘Time wasting’ at the short corner
A quick article on the option of standing outside your goal to prepare for the corner. Not everyone uses it and might consider this sort of thinking to be a little tedious, but I think to think outside the box and enjoy writing about all things goalkeeping, so something to mull over if you've never considered it before!
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Goalkeepers ‘are like wine’
Goalkeepers are always told they will reach their peak at a later age and though some defy this expectation with their abilities, it is often safe to say the goalkeeper has a harder time of getting first eleven game action! Like wine, mature and develop as your career goes on.
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Looking to win
If you want to win the league or a tournament, you're going to learn how to win. Here's a rough guide!
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The ‘No goals rules’…
With easy goals not encouraged, the 'no goals' rules can be a useful reminder of how not to get scored on!
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Control your rebounds!
Rebound control is an important part of reducing the opposition's scoring chances.
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Experience is important!
Experience is a quintessential aspect of goalkeeping but making use of it to 'read' the game matters the most.
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Playing yourself out of a ‘slump’
'Slumps' can derail a season but going but to basics and working on your mental strength should work wonders!
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Intense goalkeeping
Playing with an intensity and determination to battle will help you to perform to your best.
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Always challenging the shot
By stepping further out and narrowing angles, you can more readily challenge shots with aggressive positioning.
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Following the injection
Following the injection at the short corner and being aware of dummies and set-ups will help make it easier to make the save.
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Solid foundations
Having a solid grasp of the basics and fundamentals will help you to play well as you move up the levels and improve as a goalkeeper.
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In-season Fitness
Hey goalies 🙂 I’m Soph, a goalie from the Lake District in the UK, and I’ve just been selected to attend the North Women’s U21 regional performance centre. However, at the moment, I’m not the fittest, and need to get fit quick, especially building on core strength. If anyone has any tips/exercises that are effective, … Continue reading "In-season Fitness"
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Dealing with drag flicks
Drag flicks can be difficult to deal with, but learning to make use of reactions and athleticism will make them easier to stop!
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Mistake making
Making sure you don't make regular mistakes and are able to bounce back from them is important for consistently good goalkeeping.
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November Sale 2012
Our factory seconds sale is now underway. All details can be found here … Happy shopping! Love from OBO
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High ‘diving’
High diving, extending out with a jumping motion like a dive, helps you reach those high balls you cannot get to when standing.
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A2 PE coursework
I am in year 13 and studying pe and we have to write a coursework on the sport we play. In this coursework there are two sections. Section B and Section C (Section A is filming in competitive situations). I am struggling with section B as in it we have to describe 2 attacking weakness’, 2 defensive weakness’ and … Continue reading "A2 PE coursework"
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Saving with the rhp
Making use of the rhp to make saves to the right will obviously help with shot stopping but also with rebound control.
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Range Chart Update
Thought you might like to see this fresh new range chart (PDF, 6.55 MB). New OBO “blob” (its actually called a blobo) format, new colours, new products, new logo treatment on most products, new names on the bags …. same old OBO performance ! From your mates in New Zealand
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Tour Update: Champions Challenge GOLD
The Hockeyroos have won GOLD at the Champions Challenge tournament in Ireland after beating the USA in the final 6-1. The tour was a very successful one for us. We came here to win and dominate the tournament but more than that, it was about playing well and putting all the skills and tactics together … Continue reading "Tour Update: Champions Challenge GOLD"
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Attack the ball!
Actively acting the shot helps challenge and will improve your save percentage.
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Final Year Project Help
Dear Goalkeepers, My name is Caitlin Clarke and i am an avid field hockey goalkeeper and product designer. I am just about to start my final year at Nottingham Trent University and wish to combine both my passions by designing something for goalkeepers for one of my final year projects. However, in order to do … Continue reading "Final Year Project Help"
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Trust, trust, trust
Trust, trust, trust. Trust in yourself, trust in the coaching staff, and trust that you are doing exactly what you should be doing. I was so grateful for the Olympic experience that I had. I have been playing hockey at this level for 12 years, and this is the first time I have been to … Continue reading "Trust, trust, trust"
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Learning from the ‘sweeper keeper’ myth?
Looking 'outside the box', I think something can be learnt about goalkeeping from the soccer 'sweeper keeper' myth.
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Focus on the ball!
Focusing on the ball will increase your success rate in saving shots.
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Bianca Russell: Notes Post Olympics
Hi Goalies, here’s a few comments on my personal experience of the Olympics. I hope it inspires you young keepers to train hard and aim for the top so one day you can have an Olympic experience of your own. London was my first Olympics and given that I’m 34 now, it’s likely to be … Continue reading "Bianca Russell: Notes Post Olympics"
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Conditioning robo hi rebound kickers
Question: Just bought new Robo HI REBOUND kickers from Cranbarry, your USA distributor. No info was included on how to condition them. Called Cranbarry and they couldn’t help. Can you reply with instructions? Thanks, Mark and Libby. Answer: Hi Mark and Libby, Conditioning the Robo HI REBOUND Kickers is fairly straightforward. The first part is … Continue reading "Conditioning robo hi rebound kickers"
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Quantity versus quality?
When analysing performance, quality of saves versus quantity of shots is a point of interest.
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I painted my PE Helmet
I painted my PE Helmet (well my dad spraypainted it and i did the rest.) I hope the paint holds when me nd my kit go into action:)
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Mixing brands
Hello keepers, quick question on keeping equipment, has anyone got any thoughts or experience on mixing brands of gear? As I have limited budget, I was going to opt for buying some highly cheaper tk leg guards to go with my obo HC kickers. Please comment!!! Many thanks.
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TK or OBO?
Hi keepers! I want to put to rest the on going battle between these to brands and discover which is better/worse for whatever playing style people prefer. I will be going into my second season as a keeper having made the jump from the lowest team to the first team and have decided to buy … Continue reading "TK or OBO?"
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Playing with a meniscal tear
I’m currently playing with a minor meniscal tear in my left knee. I’ve been told by a lot of people that I shouldn’t be playing, but I’m going to be waiting a year or two for surgery and I’ve worked so hard to be where I am and I don’t want to give it up … Continue reading "Playing with a meniscal tear"
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Setting up deep at penalty corners
At top level hockey you can often see goalkeepers setting up deeper in the D against corners, giving them more time to react to the flick.
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What makes a great goalkeeper?
With the Olympics upon us, now is a good time to reflect on what it takes to be a goalkeeper at the elite level.
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Foot-eye co-ordination
Just like hand-eye co-ordination, having good co-ordination with your feet will make you feel more comfortable reacting for kicker saves.
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Marshal your defence!
Whilst shot stopping is an important part of the game, being a vocal presence helps organise your defence, whilst helping you maintain concentration.
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Responding to an allowed goal
Being scored on isn't fun but if you let it get to you, you won't perform to the best of your ability.
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Being consistent
Playing to a consistent level is going to help you do better over a season and the long term!
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Always looking to improve
Being analytical of your own performances and always looking to improve will help you perform better.
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Why looking good on the pitch is important
We recently asked you why it is important to look good on the pitch. Here are some of your responses… Why it is important to look so sharp on the pitch is because I want to look sharp and professional in your guys goalie gear. I feel it’s important to look sharp on the pitch … Continue reading "Why looking good on the pitch is important"
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Never say never!
Never giving up on the play shows good mental strength and the determination to win.
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We need your advice!
We have an idea to improve the ROBO left hand protector but need your help. At present we supply the left hand protector with the wrist elastic threaded over the sides of the edge of the wrist protector … like this … A few of you suggested the LHP is more secure on the wrist … Continue reading "We need your advice!"
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Reflection: The Year 2012
After the high of winning Gold at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi I knew that I was going to do everything it took to replicate that feeling and achieve the same goal at the Olympics. Gold at London 2012 was my goal, my focus, my dream. I was picked in the Olympic squad late … Continue reading "Reflection: The Year 2012"
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Are you a ‘fighter’?
Fighting for your starting spot in a club or team is important for success!
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Project: HotPants – April
In the past I have modified gear and tried many makes and of course when it comes to innovation and design OBO are at the top of the pile ...
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New robo chest and short sleeve tight fit shirt reviews
NEW ROBO BODY ARMOUR The Protection of the new body armour is better then the older OBO armour, especially around the abdominal and clavicle area. The shoulder pads are shaped to the fit the shoulder and are far more comfortable and best of all easier to move in. I am of tall stature and feel … Continue reading "New robo chest and short sleeve tight fit shirt reviews"
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Can I paint my poly p helmet?
Question: I would like to know if I could paint my OBO Poly P helmet, and if so, what kind of paint is the most recommended? Answer: As the Poly P helmet is plastic, it’s a little bit easier to paint than some of the fiberglass masks. Most of the Poly helmets already have the … Continue reading "Can I paint my poly p helmet?"
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Helmet Cage Colour??
Recently we were asked… Hey Guy’s, I need to order a new cage for my OBO Helmet. I once remember someone telling me that silver was the best colour to get for some reason, but not sure why. OBO has 4 colours for sale Black, White, Silver and Yellow. Anyone got any advice on what … Continue reading "Helmet Cage Colour??"
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Re-Strapping the OBO Robo LH glove
If you have NEVER had your Robo left hand glove blasted off when saving a rocket then you can stop reading this article now. If this has happened to you and you would like to know how to adjust the glove without any cutting, glueing or taping then read on. It will also take you … Continue reading "Re-Strapping the OBO Robo LH glove"
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PUSH column: cold ‘keeping
Hello all. I’m writing my latest goalie column for PUSH magazine here in the UK, and I’m canvassing opinion on something that’s been pretty central to my game in the last few weeks: the weather. I’m wondering how you guys deal with extreme weather. How do you keep warm and focussed when the opposition’s not … Continue reading "PUSH column: cold ‘keeping"
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Gym training time
Hey keepers, I am often asked about conditioning training for keepers so here is my 5 cents worth. I am a goalie not a personal trainer so I recommend you work with a professional to get your technique and program sorted. There is a high risk of injury with some of this training so please … Continue reading "Gym training time"
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One for the GK’s
Leeds University Men’s Hockey Mock Charity ESSA Video
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Tight shirt review
OBO Short sleeve goalie shirt review. So, here it is. The new Goalie shirt from OBO. And here it is in action: When it comes to keepers shirts there isn’t a lot on the market that takes my fancy, for the last 2 seasons I have been using a Nike Dri-Fit running shirt … Continue reading "Tight shirt review"
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Goalkeeper speed work
Two attributes that are very important for all goalkeepers are speed and agility. Being able to move your feet quickly both forward and laterally gives you the best chance of getting into the right position for every shot. Below is a video I have put together with the help of three of Australia’s greatest men’s … Continue reading "Goalkeeper speed work"
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How to do a gym workout on holidays
As a travelling athlete I often find myself having to be creative in order to complete my gym workouts or rehab exercises whilst away. A holiday at the beach, a trip overseas, a night in a hotel or just time away from your local gym are not good enough reasons to miss or drop back … Continue reading "How to do a gym workout on holidays"
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Cleaning your gear
As a goalkeeper I am fully aware of the reputation we hold of being ‘stinky’. This is something I am passionate about changing. I am convinced that a pair of shin guards will smell much worse than a well looked after set of goalkeeping gear. A few things I would suggest that may help prevent … Continue reading "Cleaning your gear"
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Right Guys and Gals, There is a massive debate over the Hi-Control vs Hi-Rebound and being an owner of the HR and having tried out a friends HC I think that I can enlighten people as to which kit is best for them. I will start by giving a rough diagram of the rebound levels so … Continue reading "HI CONTROL vs HI REBOUND"
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Nutrition tips – diet of an elite athlete
FRESH IS BEST Food plays a big part of my everyday life. I love shopping for it, I love preparing it and most of all I love eating it. Being an elite athlete I have a high energy requirement but also need a wide variety of different foods to keep my body in good shape. … Continue reading "Nutrition tips – diet of an elite athlete"
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Improve your stick and glove saves
This is one of my favourite drills to do as a goalkeeper. It is great to use in the preseason or just when you want to mix things up from your usual training in gear. I use it mainly to improve my hand speed and also my ability to save balls with my stick. It … Continue reading "Improve your stick and glove saves"
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Book or PDF? Using an open source approach?!
Just a lot of random thoughts on how best to move forward with the plan of ever getting a book out there. Would be helpful to get comments and feedback on what people want or if at all they like the idea?!
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Hand-eye co-ordination
As promised, have finally got round to uploading some new content. Having read the feedback on the Facebook page and the KR site, have found an article I previously wrote, which may or may not be of any use considering people seem to know what to do!
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Stick Hand Coordination
Q. I am just wondering how people are improving their stick hand coordination / saves? and if people have any exercises that work well for this? A. Here’s a selection of comments made by our Facebook followers… Andrew Wilkie practise ball juggling works for me Jillian Fraser Practice. If you do repeated amounts of a … Continue reading "Stick Hand Coordination"
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Physical Components of Goalkeeping
Hey, so I’m having doing a lot of research on goalkeeping as its A Level PE position in sport, and I am having to research the physical components of goalkeeping. Now I know that a lot of the components link in with each other eg You can’t only have good reactions, cause if you don’t … Continue reading "Physical Components of Goalkeeping"
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November Sale 2011
Our factory seconds sale is now underway. All details can be found here … Happy shopping! Love from OBO
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Rotterdamse Hockey Keeper School
This season I started a goalkeeper academy in Rotterdam for all goalkeepers in the Rotterdam Area that are interested in getting the best possible training. Dutch international goalkeeper Pirmin Blaak is in charge of all excercises and together with his keeper trainers we train more than 50 goalkeepers every monday. If you want an impression … Continue reading "Rotterdamse Hockey Keeper School"
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Inner leg protection
OBO is all about constant learning and making your life in the goal even better. The bruise competition enabled us to see where people are still vulnerable (though many of you who submitted your shocking technicoloured photos did note that the bruise was not incurred while wearing OBO) and we have acted on this info … Continue reading "Inner leg protection"
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Apology and new directive
A statement of apology and aim for the future of staying committed to this project.
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Spartan with OBO – An evening with Beth Storry, GB and England
Come and join us with Beth Storry, GB, England and World XI for an evening of goalee indulgence with her GB Coach and Co Founder of Spartan, Steve Bayer. Take a look at the flyer and get back to us. Its taking place this Friday, 4 Nov 2011 at Oxford Hawks HC, England. Its very … Continue reading "Spartan with OBO – An evening with Beth Storry, GB and England"
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What do you wear on your feet in goal?
Over the years I have had big problems finding shoes to fit from school to trainers. Currently I use a pair of Vanz/DC skateboarding shoes. Now they are wide and short just like my feet, fit lovely. But I have upped my game this year and as the shoes have no grip being very flat, … Continue reading "What do you wear on your feet in goal?"
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Magazine article: old goalies wanted!
I’m putting together a magazine article on changes in ‘keeping technique over the last twenty or thirty years… everyone here seems incredibly knowledgeable and opinionated about their ‘keeping, so if any of you go back a bit (like me!) and can remember, say, the offside rule, or cane pads and leather kickers, and fancy a … Continue reading "Magazine article: old goalies wanted!"
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Penalty Corner Defence
As a goalkeeper it is very important that you know the roles and responsibilities of every position in Penalty Corner Defence. It is your job to control the circle and therefore the PCD. You will be given guidance from coaches along the way but if you know each position then you can be confident in … Continue reading "Penalty Corner Defence"
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Goalkeeping and the off season
With the winter hockey season now over in the southern hemisphere I am sure many of you are starting to wonder what to do for the next few months until pre season starts. You have a few options. I am a big believer in getting some rest and making the most of the time off … Continue reading "Goalkeeping and the off season"
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Awesome new chest guard
Hey all I just wanted to let you know how great I think that the new chest guard is (Previous post). I got a very hard hit on the shoulder about a week ago and I think that the new chest guard performed very well. I believe if I was in anything else the hit … Continue reading "Awesome new chest guard"
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I am an OBO keeper
Many people ask me for recommendations on gear so I thought I would put up a post with all the equipment I use. OBO lead the hockey world when it comes to Goalkeeping gear. They produce the very best quality equipment and have been keeping goalies safe for years. I have been lucky enough to … Continue reading "I am an OBO keeper"
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Review of the new short sleeve tight shirt
by Michael Smith Style This is the style of top that a lot of keepers have been waiting for. No more ¾ length tops or using a similar style from another sport. The other company that does this style is Kukri, however they will only normally produce a GK top as part of a team … Continue reading "Review of the new short sleeve tight shirt"
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32″ stick
Hey all, I wanted to share with you why I think that using 32″ stick is useful. I was finding the end of the handle annoying so I thought about going to a shorter stick to eliminate this problem. Using a shorter stick still provides the same amount of coverage out the end of my … Continue reading "32″ stick"
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Toni Cronks review of the new robo chest
Dear Amazing person We thought you might like to see this feedback on the new ROBO chest guard form Toni Cronk… Australian National Goalie. Toni’s comments (in red boxes around the edges of the fact and feature sheet) are really valuable to us, as they enable us to improve on small aspects of the product. … Continue reading "Toni Cronks review of the new robo chest"
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OBO innovation story
One of 14 short films created by the Gibson Group for the Ministry of Science + Innovation. The 14 Kiwi companies featured were chosen for their originality and creativity, and have developed unique and fascinating products or services. Harnessing the characters and innovations from each of these organisations, Innovation Stories will take viewers inside exciting … Continue reading "OBO innovation story"
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Looking for goalkeepers in Hong Kong
Hi everyone, I’m a GK myself and I run a large club in Hong Kong called Valley that runs 5 mens and 5 ladies teams. We’ve got a bit of a goalkeeping crisis a present with only about 3-4 experienced goalkeepers to cover 10 teams, myself included. We’re keen to hear from anyone in the … Continue reading "Looking for goalkeepers in Hong Kong"
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Learning to dive
We have been over a few of the basics but now its time for the fun stuff and this time its Diving. This is not a difficult skill to learn but does require some guts and determination to practice as if you get it wrong, it can hurt a little! The key learning points are: … Continue reading "Learning to dive"
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Hi rebound right hand (second generation)
hey awesome people! I wrote a previous article, regarding the Hi Rebound Right hand, and I wanted to share further developments with you guys! =) Almost a year ago, I managed to get hold of the new mercian right hand glove… and I have to be honest! I really really liked it! I liked it … Continue reading "Hi rebound right hand (second generation)"
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Hi guys, I wanted to share with you all my new website that I’ve made. Similar to the OBO resources website, this site is for any goalkeeper who want tips and ideas that might help them to become a better goalkeeper. Check it out and tell me what you think. I have added 4 different … Continue reading ""
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Warm up technique
This is a juggling warmup technique that we have been working on to get both sides of the braining firing for those all important games. This can be done by yourself or as can been seen in the video in pairs. Good luck, let me know how you go, or if you can manage to … Continue reading "Warm up technique"
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Champions trophy
Well, what can we say? Another year of champions trophy is now over for the women. It was a great competition and it is even better to see that now the top 8 teams is the world are so close. Interestingly there are some new techniques that international goalkeepers are trying. These techniques are mainly … Continue reading "Champions trophy"
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The outstanding upstanding new OBO wheelie bag for 2011
Over the next couple of months you should start seeing a completely new range of bags appearing at your local OBO stockist. New designs… new colors … same quality materials and construction. We have made heaps of changes to the wheelie bag though … have a squiz at these photos … Look Mum … no … Continue reading "The outstanding upstanding new OBO wheelie bag for 2011"
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Hockeyroos on twitter
Hey guys, just a quick note to say if any of you are on twitter then it would be great if you can follow some of the Hockeyroos. @RachLynch27 @hockeyaus will also give you lots of live game updates. Questions are always welcome 🙂
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Rachael Lynch: champions trophy practice games 2 & 3
Morning everyone We have played 2 games since I last wrote, one against Germany which we lost 3 nil and then yesterday we played Korea and won 2-1. The game against Germany was my first game and was certainly a game of two halves. The first half was the best we have played so far … Continue reading "Rachael Lynch: champions trophy practice games 2 & 3"
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Rachael Lynch: champions trophy practice game 1
Hello from Germany First day of games over and all teams are sitting even on 1 draw with 3 goals for and 3 against. We played the Argies yesterday and drew 3-3. It was a reasonable game and a pretty good start to the tour for us. The Argies were at full strength with the … Continue reading "Rachael Lynch: champions trophy practice game 1"
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What’s the difference between hi rebound and hi control?
Question: I am planning on ordering new kickers (I’m currently using the obo robo high control), and was wondering the difference between the high rebound and high control. Answer: As the name suggests the High Rebound offer a more significant rebound effect to the kicker. The foam compresses and expands resulting in high paced clears … Continue reading "What’s the difference between hi rebound and hi control?"
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Technique in delaying/blocking breakaway player
Question: What is the best method of countering an attacker who intercepted in mid field and is heading straight for the centre of the D? Answer: I’m assuming you’re talking about counter attack breakaways from your question. A lot of this comes down to decision making and the skills associated with playing big slide tackling … Continue reading "Technique in delaying/blocking breakaway player"
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Working out how to react at the short corner
Last article of the day! How to tell the difference between a flick and straight strike at the corner.
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Collecting the ball
Catching up on lost time - think I should get my act together and posting articles I've stored up!
Anyway, here's a super quick tip on collecting the ball if you haven't considered it before, although I guess the chances are slim... we don't all have ball boys at our games!
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Warming up the Dutch way
Another article on warming up, this time focusing on the Dutch method. If you are going to do it, make sure your shooter knows what they're doing, as I've heard a few horror stories!
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Training with a short stick
Another quick article, this time on using a short stick to help enforce making the save with the right hand glove or your glove.
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Removing your helmet to help being vocal
Just a super quick article on removing your helmet to be more vocal like Ali McGregor does!
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What glue to use
Question: My obo robo kickers are coming apart, could you please tell me what glue to use? The Velcro attaching the forehead cushion pad to to the inside of my helmet, what glue is best for this? Finally, the wrist protector on my left robo glove has come detached from the inside of the glove, … Continue reading "What glue to use"
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Question: Is the keeper allowed to kick the ball off an opposing player’s stick (kicker-stick contact)? Is the keeper allowed to hit the ball off another player’s stick with his/her goalie stick? Answer: Any contact by a keeper, whether kicker or stick must be to the ball first. If after contacting the ball, the keeper’s … Continue reading "Contact"
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Updated facts & features for 2011
We’ve updated our facts & features for 2011. You can download the updated versions in PDF format using the links below… 110 Robo HI REBOUND Legguards 120 Robo HI REBOUND Kickers 130 Robo HI REBOUND Right Hand Protector 150 Robo Hotpants 170 Robo Body Armour 210 Robo HI CONTROL Legguards 220 Robo HI CONTROL Kickers … Continue reading "Updated facts & features for 2011"
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Does kit colour make a difference?
Question: Does the colour of a goalie’s kit make a difference to the opposition. i.e. does the striker get distracted by bright colours? Answer: The studies I’m aware of in regards to colour have been done with football and ice hockey. There are two different schools of thought, one is to blend in and the … Continue reading "Does kit colour make a difference?"
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WHBS european hockey tour
After 18 months of fundraising a squad of 29 great hockey players from Westlake Boys High in Auckland leave for Singapore today on their way to Holland and UK. I am really grateful to OBO for generously sponsoring my entry in the tour programme and I am looking forward to giving my OBO Cloud gear … Continue reading "WHBS european hockey tour"
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Keeping warm
Just another quick article on keeping warm during/between halves at a match.
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Just a quick article on the technique of 'bouncing'.
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Sorry for not writing more this past year; been more busy than I'd hoped with studying. Here's a very quick article to point you in the direction of baselayers if you didn't know about them before!
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OBO joins FHF
For the next 12 months OBO will appear as a sponsor of FHF ( Look out for the OBO logo in the top right hand corner of the forum… In particular we will sponsor the ‘Goalie Zone’… FHF made the announcement on their fifth birthday. OBO had this to say on the happy event 😉 … Happy Birthday to FHF! For … Continue reading "OBO joins FHF"
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Hockey shoes!
Hi everyone! I’m trying to develop field hockey shoes for goalkeepers with strap ridges cut out of the grips on the sole of the shoe. My idea is to develop a waterproof shoe but bulky enough to fill out the kickers nicely and never slip out of the kickers because the straps slot into nice … Continue reading "Hockey shoes!"
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OBO training equipment review.
I’ve just submitted the following reviews to the Barrington Sports website and thought that I’d share them here too. I’ve had the Obo training gear since September 2010 so feel that I’ve used the equipment enough for me to write a well informed review. I have a pair of Deflecta’s, a Flicka stick and … Continue reading "OBO training equipment review."
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Refurbish or replace – mouldy helmet……
Having had my head protection for some 10+ years now, the foam is somewhat mouldy and nasty. I can get replacement foam from local retailers but want to know A: Is it worth replacing it, and B: How do I go about removing the existing foam without damaging the shell? Can’t really afford to buy … Continue reading "Refurbish or replace – mouldy helmet……"
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What kit to buy
Question: I’ve been playing the position goalie since I was eight. In 2005 my parents managed to buy me the OBO Cloud 9 Goal keeper kit. I’m currently playing club hockey and have represented my Province as well as Zimbabwe Schools Hockey a number of times and played for the Zimbabwe U21 National Team. I’m … Continue reading "What kit to buy"
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Looking for a goal keeper
Hello, I am part of a Grammar Windsor hockey team in Auckland, our last goalie has just informed us that she is unable to play this coming season. So if any female out there wants to come and have a play we are having tryouts for our champ 1 team on Wednesday 16th, you can go to our website, to … Continue reading "Looking for a goal keeper"
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4 nations champions
Hola again, How are you all? Sorry for the delay between posts. Internet wasn’t great at our last hotel. So as you may have seen, in the last few days we have had some great success in Mendoza. We have played 3 games, firstly beating USA 1-0, then drawing with the Argies 1-1 to get … Continue reading "4 nations champions"
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Mix matching?
Can I use the Robo hi rebound kickers with the ogo legguards?? Cheers
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American Keeper looking for club team to play with
Hi World, I am an American Collegiate GoalKeeper who is looking into living in Holland for a year/ a semester . I am wicked interested in finding a club to play for while there. Although my stay would not be for two or three years, I want to know if it is realistic to join … Continue reading "American Keeper looking for club team to play with"
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OGO Kickers and ROBO Hi-Control Kickers
At the moment i have the OBO OGO Kickers and pads which are supplied by my club but im looking to buy some OBO ROBO Hi-Control Kickers and i looked oon my OGO Kickers the other day and i found out that they were medium! My question is: Are OGO Medium Kickers the same size … Continue reading "OGO Kickers and ROBO Hi-Control Kickers"
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Amazing Goalie Academy
OBO community, In close co-operation with OBO founder Simon and Bas from Verbunt Hockey we are working to make the goalie experience even better! The idea is to launch a website where we can share everything about goalkeeping and especially goal keeping development. Coaches/Trainers can submit drills and techniques supported by video (of course) and … Continue reading "Amazing Goalie Academy"
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(Nearly) November Sale 2010
Our factory seconds sale is now underway. All details can be found here … Happy shopping! Love from OBO
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Commonwealth Games GOLD
Hockeyroos win Gold at Comm Games. What an amazing experience. We all had an absolute ball in Delhi and are so proud to have returned home with a well earned Gold medal. Thanks Obo for your continued support!!
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Buddha’s Blog: Commonwealth Games #5
HOCKEY IS THE WINNER IN THE END Overall Hockey was the major winner at the Commonwealth Games. In articles on Stuff, The Herald and Hindustan Times Hockey was named the “Most compelling Sport” of the Commonwealth Games. The venue was named the “Best Venue” of all the sports, with the “Nicest Stadium” and overall had … Continue reading "Buddha’s Blog: Commonwealth Games #5"
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Watch and learn off other goalkeepers
Been pretty busy lately and will be this year, so unfortunately can't post as much as I'd like. Nothing spectacular, but a basic concept about how to learn by watching other goalkeepers (generally of the higher levels!).
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Buddha’s Blog: Commonwealth Games #4
!!BLACKSTICKS WOMEN FIGHT IT OUT FOR GOLD!! The Blackstick’s women were O for Awesome in their 1-0 semi-final win over South Africa yesterday. They were extremely impressive with the way they took the game to South Africa and outplayed them in almost every area. Beth Jurgeleit was outstanding in goal and 2 fantastic saves on … Continue reading "Buddha’s Blog: Commonwealth Games #4"
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Buddha’s Blog: Commonwealth Games #3
BLACKSTICK’S MEN & WOMEN INTO SEMI-FINALS ACTION The Blackstick’s women made easy work on their route to the semi-finals than the men did. The women played extremely well all through pool-play to go through undefeated and top qualifier of their pool. They even outclassed the highly fancied English to comfortably win 4-1. They have now … Continue reading "Buddha’s Blog: Commonwealth Games #3"
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Commonwealth Games Semi
Hey All, After a very tough performance we are through to the gold medal match. We have a rest day tomoza, then the gold medal match Wednesday. Thanks for your support Cheers Toni Cronk
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Buddha’s Blog: Commonwealth Games #2
2 FROM 2 = 6 POINTS Everything has been going to plan so far with 2 wins from 2 games. Our first game was against Trinidad & Tobago which we won 7-1. STEVE EDWARDS FIGHTS FOR POSSESSION AGAINST TRINIDAD & TOBAGO This game also marked Phil Burrows 250th test becoming the 2nd only New Zealander … Continue reading "Buddha’s Blog: Commonwealth Games #2"
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Commonwealth Games – Auzzie update
An update from the Commonwealth Games by Australian keeper Rachael Lynch
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Replacing your Obo front Kicker Straps
Hi, I did this video quickly the other night, it’s how I replace my Obo front kicker kicker straps. I find it the quickest easiest way. Let me know what you think! Or if you have a different/better way of doing it? Hopefully the above should work. Otherwise go on to You Tube and type … Continue reading "Replacing your Obo front Kicker Straps"
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Buddha’s Blog: Commonwealth Games #1
The games have finally started with quite a few road bumps along the way. We have had quite a few injuries amongst our squad including Nick W (knee), Brad S (ankle), Simon C (back), Nick H (Knee) and Blair T (Back). Most of the injuries have been minor although this meant we have struggled to … Continue reading "Buddha’s Blog: Commonwealth Games #1"
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Commonweath Games 2010
Hi All, Thought I would update you on some of the going on’s at the commonwealth games. So far we have met Prince Charles, Camilla and Prince Edward. We (Australia) had our flag raising ceremony which was a spectacular of Indian culture. Last night we marched in the opening ceremony which was an amazing life … Continue reading "Commonweath Games 2010"
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Robo hi-control size issue
The club I play for has been updating all our kit so I have just received the new robo hi-control kickers. Unfortunately nobody checked with me for sizing so I’ve been given the large kickers (uk size8 1/2+) and I am only a size 3 1/2…:S I wanted to know if there’s anyway I can … Continue reading "Robo hi-control size issue"
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Handling nerves
I tend to hype myself up too much for a match and then I end up getting so nervous of letting the team down that I usually end up making a crucial mistake. Tomorrow the womens team I joined have our first match….against the womens team from the club I played for, for 7 years. … Continue reading "Handling nerves"
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5th at World Cup
The World cup is almost over, with only the 3v4 and 1v2 final to go tonight. For us we have finished our tour in 5th place after beating Korea 2-1 in our final match. It has been a really great trip with plenty of highs and lows but I have enjoyed my time in Rosario … Continue reading "5th at World Cup"
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OBO gear at the World Cup
hey all, I thought that you would like to know that the majority of the goal keepers here at the World Cup are wearing OBO gear. Great sign that OBO gear is very much the best in the world. Cheers Toni Cronk
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Two from Two
Two games down and the Hockeroos are in a great position at the world cup. Yesterday we beat India 6-3 and our first game was 2-1 against Japan. viagra online Some really good performances in the chilly Argentinian conditions. Today we will all rest up for our big game against the Dutch tomorrow. Usual plan … Continue reading "Two from Two"
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World Cup 2010 Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony was one of the best opening’s that I have had the pleasure of going to. I believe that you can check out the pick at
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World Cup 2010
Hey All, It is the eve of the World Cup. I am looking forward to both the challenge and the experience. I feel we are well prepared and ready. We don’t play our first game until Monday, we play Japan. We are going out tomorrow to watch the first game (Argentina v’s South Africa), which … Continue reading "World Cup 2010"
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World Cup Live
All games are shown live online at–.html Or check out Fox sports for TV coverage
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World Cup Rosario 2010
The Hockeyroos have arrived in Rosario and after a very long few days of travel we all can’t wait to get into the hockey. Our hotel is great and we have been for a bit of a walk around to suss out the area. This afternoon we have training and then tomorrow is our first … Continue reading "World Cup Rosario 2010"
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Question: I’ve been playing for three years and all my skills have developed, all but my communication. Every team I play for has said that they look for a keeper with strong communication skills and I feel that if I can improve my communication I’ll improve my shot of making the teams I tryout for. … Continue reading "Communication"
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Belen Succi
The photo below of Maria Belen Succi, OBO sponsored player and goalkeeper for Las Leonas, the Argentinian Women’s National Team, appeared over the weekend in newspapers with wide circulation throughout Argentina. The photo can also be viewed on the Adidas site. Belen’s achievements include winning a bronze medal with the national women’s team at the 2008 Summer Olympics in … Continue reading "Belen Succi"
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Acting, Analysing, Deciding and Decision Making
Decision Making, Analyzing, Deciding and Acting are key concepts in hockey goalkeeping. You may have the right attitude, speed, concentration, agility, power, reflexes and yet goals still go in that should not go in due to many different reasons! Goalkeepers must have the ability to correctly analyse, decide and act in crucial situations. Lack of this or incorrect analyzing, deciding … Continue reading "Acting, Analysing, Deciding and Decision Making"
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Maximising Focus and Concentration During a Game
What do we know about focussing on the ball just before a shot at the goal ? A goalie will have little or no chance of a successful save unless there is total focus on the ball as it is travelling towards the goal. Obviously you want to focus (or concentrate) 100 % on the … Continue reading "Maximising Focus and Concentration During a Game"
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Series Win
Hi everyone. This afternoon, in a milestone game for Nic Arrold (200th), we drew our final match with Germany which meant we won the series. It was a tough and very hot game in the beautiful european sun. We went into half time drawn at 0-0 after dominating the attack. I only had one save … Continue reading "Series Win"
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4 Nations Update
After two days we are leading in the four nations tournament in Germany. Yesterday we beat Ireland 4-0 in quite a good match. Nic Arrold scored 3 goals which was a very good effort, with two of them being drag flicks straight over the top of the short Indian Keeper. Today we had another hat-trick … Continue reading "4 Nations Update"
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Game 1 v Germany
Guten Morgen! It is very quiet in our section of the hotel this morning as all the girls wake after a late night of watching the the post game video. Yesterday we played our first game against Germany here in Essen and it certainly wasn’t pretty. A very important game for the Germans as one … Continue reading "Game 1 v Germany"
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4 Nations Tournament Germany
The Hockeyroos have been travelling Europe for the past week in a warm up series before the 4 Nations. Today the 4 Nations tournament begins for us in Essen Germany. We play 3 games in 3 days starting with Ireland tonight at 7pm. The group has had some exciting adventures since arriving in England over … Continue reading "4 Nations Tournament Germany"
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Decision Making
Question: Hello, can you tell me what should I do, when the attacker is coming closer to goal and I come out but he shoot in this time before the 1-1 is there? Greetings Alex Answer: Hi Alex, your question is a tricky one and a lot will depend on where the breakdown you’re describing … Continue reading "Decision Making"
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Top 15 Colours of OBO ROBO Legguards
Have you ever wondered what colour combination you should get your next legguards in? Check out the top OBO 15...
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Commonwealth Games Preparation June
Many thanks to solubleduck who asked what sort of training and preparation is needs for the Commonwealth Games. Well solubleduck, due to the Commonweatlh Games being directly after the World Cup in Argentina most of our preparation is focused around the World Cup which will lead us nicely into the Commonwealth Games. Currently the Hockeyroos … Continue reading "Commonwealth Games Preparation June"
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Hockeyroos 2010 to date
The start to 2010 has been a busy one for us and it is not looking like slowing down soon, but that is great. You only get to play at this level for a reasonably short time, and I have recently learnt that you shouldn’t take this for granted. So I say every moment should be … Continue reading "Hockeyroos 2010 to date"
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Inbetween Seasons Training
With this years season finishing in April and the next season not starting till September I am looking at various drill/training that I can do to keep my fitness up whilst keeping my reactions up to scratch, footwork still fast and etc. Just wondering if anyone has any tips on how they keep themselves going over … Continue reading "Inbetween Seasons Training"
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The Mental Aspects of Goalkeeping
A great resource download for all you amazing people on staying sharp between the ears!
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World cup qualifier
A very happy Toni and Rachael after qualifying for the World Cup.
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Alternative uses for OBO gear
Gary (photo man for OBO) recently put a set of OBO body armour to good use as you can see below … Gene Simmons of KISS would be proud!
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Dealing with sunlight
A simple tip, but taping your helmet above the eye line will help block out the sun, which can otherwise be a distraction.
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We Beat Ireland
Today we beat Ireland 4-1 so we are off to the world cup. A lot of hard work ahead but we couldnt be happier. Great win and a great tournament. 20 goals for, 2 goals against, 4 wins from 4.
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One Day to Go!
With one day to go at the World Cup Qualifier event in Chile the Hockeyroos have the world cup in sight. We have won 3 from 3 games now after beating Chile 3-0, Malaysia 9-0 then a close 2-1 win over Scotland yesterday. I have been fortunate enough to have played both the Malaysia and Scotland … Continue reading "One Day to Go!"
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OBO faceOff is a Winner !
When we started on the faceOff project we were determined to design and build the world’s best sports face protector. We think we have (and the players are beginning to see this as well.) When it came to assembling the marketing support material, in particular the web site, we contacted the boys at Fracture. This … Continue reading "OBO faceOff is a Winner !"
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We are one step closer…
Good morning/night whatever it is there now We are one step closer to making it to the world cup. This afternoon we beat Chile 5-0 in our first game of the tournament. It was a pretty good game and a consistent performance from us. No PC’s against and Cronky only got 2 touches. We created … Continue reading "We are one step closer…"
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The Hockeyroos have arrived in Chile
The Hockeyroos have arrived in Chile and last night we played an international test match against Chile which we won 4-0. A match purely for practice in the lead up to our World Cup Qualifier event but nevertheless a great start for us. The field is located at the foot of the andies mountains which … Continue reading "The Hockeyroos have arrived in Chile"
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Zinc oxide tape
Zinc oxide tape is a great stick grip for goalkeepers.
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Obo Decurvature
This was a idea for a new goalie stick. In the Netherlands there are a lot goalies who use a normal stick instead of a special goalie stick, now my idea is for obo to get into that market by making a normal shaped hockey stick with not to much of a bow (because when … Continue reading "Obo Decurvature"
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Beating the lob
Lobs can be a tricky thing to deal with; here's how to stop them.
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please help me !
hi amazing guys and gals Simon from OBO New Zealand here. We are just staring work on a completely new model of the ROBO Hot Pants. We are very keen to get your input to help make this excellent product totally amazing . To focus the mind can I suggest you make a list of … Continue reading "please help me !"
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Shoes for Robo Kickers
Hi everyone, I have robo sp kickers (large) and am having problems getting them to sit flush with the sole of my shoe and also the front strap always comes off – currently I just have asic running shoes. I know I’ll never get a perfect fit but does anyone know any particular shoes that … Continue reading "Shoes for Robo Kickers"
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Dominate your D!
The D is your zone; you need to learn to control it.
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Kickers for large feet
I’m going to give keeping a go after years of being a field player. One issue I have to consider is my feet! I have size 14 (UK)/15(US) feet. Does anyone know if feet around that size will be ok in a large size kicker? I live in a town which doesn’t keep any GK … Continue reading "Kickers for large feet"
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Warming up
Warming up is an essential part of a pre-game routine. By warming up properly, you will be ready to go as soon as the whistle is blown.
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Using the full face of the OBO HR RHP on high shots
Hi, I’ve asked the same question on FHF, but wondered if anyone esle on here had a view or indeed OBO had some specific “official” advice as this seems fairly funderrmental bust isn’t covered in the user guide on this site: I’m having a bit of bother with my new OBO high rebound RHP (same … Continue reading "Using the full face of the OBO HR RHP on high shots"
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P-flicks: commit or react?
On spot flicks, the goalkeeper can either pick where to go and commit, or react to the flick. By reacting, the goalkeeper increases their chances of making the save.
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Playing the passed shot
Playing against a pass is a difficult situation for the goalkeeper. If you come out and try to commit yourself to taking on a player, then you leave open space to shoot into. Instead, by staying deep and waiting for the pass, you can successfully make the save.
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Shots outside the D
For a shot to be a goal it needs to be scored within the D. If a shot is taken from outside the D and no-one touches it within the D, then it won't count as a goal. By leaving it, you will give your team a 16 and the chance to restart play to their advantage.
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Being set for the shot
When making a save, you need to be in position in time. If you are still moving, then you can put yourself off balance or turn away from the shot. Instead, it is important to cut down your movement and pre-set for the save.
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Whistles and strokes
Hey everyone– I’m both a veteran keeper and an official. I’ve got a question about your experiences with penalty strokes. FIH rule 13.7 reads: g. the whistle is blown when the player taking the stroke and the player defending it are in position h. the player taking the stroke must not take it until the … Continue reading "Whistles and strokes"
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Australia vs Korea Series Result
The Kookaburras have won the three test series against Korea in Hobart despite finishing with a 2-1 loss in the final game on Sunday. After 5-1 and 3-2 victories in the opening two games, Korea responded well to end their tour on a positive note. They are certainly a very good side and will be … Continue reading "Australia vs Korea Series Result"
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Australia – Korea Test Series
The Kookaburras have played their first test for 2010 in Hobart, recording a 5-1 win over Korea in match one of three this week. Coach Ric Charlesworth brought a squad of 25 players to Tasmania for the series as he looks to finalise the 18 that will represent Australia at the World Cup in India … Continue reading "Australia – Korea Test Series"
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What should I use to clean the inside of my mask?
Question: I was wondering if you could tell me what I should use to clean the inside of my OBO mask… Answer: What you use to clean your mask will depend on how dirty it’s gotten. If you’re cleaning it fairly regularly you can wash and rinse with warm water and an anti-bacterial soap. If … Continue reading "What should I use to clean the inside of my mask?"
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The self-pass
The new self-pass option is also available to goalkeepers. The goalkeeper can take advantage of this at a 16, learning to further the options of their team by freeing up a defender who would normally take the free hit.
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"Logging" is still an important save selection at the short corner, even if drag flicks are becoming more prominent at the high levels of the game. The goalkeeper should be going down on a straight strike at goal, so that they can get behind the shot. Here's how to 'lie down' on the shot.
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How does the difference of the indoor game affect the keeper?
Question: My name is Josh and I’m not sure if you remember me but you were a coach of mine. I was a keeper in on the U-20 team in ’99 when Shiv cialis buy canada carried 5 keepers (I think it was 5). I had been an alternate on the U-16 the year before. … Continue reading "How does the difference of the indoor game affect the keeper?"
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Aerials into the D
Aerial passes into the D are difficult for a goalkeeper to deal with, especially if a player gets on the end of the pass and deflects it onto goal. The goalkeeper can actively react to this danger, coming out aggressively to beat the opposition player to the ball and clear it; thus eliminating the scoring chance.
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Maintaining concentration
It is important to maintain concentration throughout the game. If you play on a strong team and don't face many shots, then you will need to stay alert for long periods of time, even though you having nothing to do, until you face a shot, so you can readily stop it. This is an art form which is difficult to craft, but if you can, you will be very successful.
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ROBO SP Name Is No More
I have noticed on the net there are still a lot of references to ROBO SP; which no longer exists. (it was dropped in 2005) Within the OBO ROBO range there are 2 kit options: Hi-Rebound range pictured below in blue/black. Hi-Control range pictured below in black/orange. Hopefully its helpful so that everyone understands the … Continue reading "ROBO SP Name Is No More"
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Face the shot on the corner
Previously goalkeepers set up on short corners facing the injection to watch it happen, before turning and moving out to face the shot. Rather than statically watching the injection, it is now more commonplace to see the goalkeeper focusing on the shot; facing forward already to move out to stop the ball, giving them extra advantage of time and ability to track the shot. If you get a chance to watch high level games, you'll notice how it is being used. As the game changes, so does technique. The majority of the Hoofdklasse goalies face forward on short corners, as do the goalies in the English National Premier League. It is becoming more universal, with Belgian's number 1 using at, along with USA's starting men's team goalie, as a couple of examples.
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Raising your gloves on short corners
Facing a powerful drag flick aimed high on a short corner, the goalkeeper stands little chance in making the save if they have their gloves down low. Therefore, you need to raise your gloves on such situations, if you want to have a chance of making the save.
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Fibreglass Helmet Review
When I started to play with OBO over 15 years ago, I didn’t use the OBO helmet but the icehockey style Cooper helmet. After a few years I tried on the OBO helmet and since then I won’t use another helmet anymore. What I like about the helmet: Protection is really good — I’ve been … Continue reading "Fibreglass Helmet Review"
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OBO CLOUD Kit Sizing
Just a few small tips I’d like to share for buying new OBO kit. I recently upgraded my body armour and thigh pads to the OBO Cloud Range, (very good by the way). The first time i brought kit i got it straight from the internet, the sizing worked pretty well so it was alright. This time … Continue reading "OBO CLOUD Kit Sizing"
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Making the Robo HR Left Glove even more ‘Perfect’
Hey Keepers (me again) With such positive feedback and interest with ‘making the HR right hand even more perfect’ 😀 Something I touched on in my previous article was the OBO ‘left’ hand. I wanted to show you the alterations I’ve made on this glove which I think makes the glove a lot better (I’d … Continue reading "Making the Robo HR Left Glove even more ‘Perfect’"
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Added protection for keepers who play “Dutch” style
hey keepers I’ve got another idea/ alteration that I’ve done, this time based on bicep protection… If we look at products that offer bicep protection they often come in the ice hockey style protectors (not a big fan these) I wanted to show you lovely keepers an idea based on the “Chris Hibbert” bicep protectors … Continue reading "Added protection for keepers who play “Dutch” style"
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Philippe Thiltges OBO Profile
Austrian mens goalkeeper Philippe Thiltges’s OBO profile.
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Flicka Wherefore Art Thou?
Anyone know anywhere that the flicka stick can be purchased in the U.K?
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Arm Guards or Elbow Guards
Hey guys, i’m thinking of buying the ROBO body armour and I asked myself a question…and i couldn’t answer it myself so…i thought i would ask for some opinion… What would you advise…the obo arm guards(that are sold separately) or the new obo elbow guards ……….i am 14 years old…and i play u16’s club hockey … Continue reading "Arm Guards or Elbow Guards"
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Champions Trophy 2009
Heres the final update on the Now finished Champions Trophy. Congratulations to Australia.
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Making the Robo HR Right Glove even more ‘Perfect’
Hi Keepers, I’m Tommy Alexander and I play for Scotland U21s and Surbiton in England! If your the type of keeper who likes to angle the gloves and let the foam do the work (like me), this will suit you! I was a massive fan of the OBO Hi Control right hand glove but playing … Continue reading "Making the Robo HR Right Glove even more ‘Perfect’"
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Attacking clearances
Attacking clearances are a great way of eliminating a scoring chance, running in to get rid of the ball before an attacker can get to it. Standing up and kicking away, you do not take yourself out of the play as you would with a dive; allowing you to get back into the game if things mess up!
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Staying mentally strong
The mental game is often ignored by goalkeepers and coaches alike. However, it is essential in order to succeed. The best goalkeepers are those who believe in themselves; nothing can 'get them down'. To play well, you need to play with confidence and it's worthwhile working out for yourself how to encourage this!
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Foam wear on Kickers
Does anyone have any tips on foam wear of Kickers?
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Lukas Graser OBO Profile
Austrian mens goalkeeper Lukas Graser's OBO profile.
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OBO Helmet Safety
The amount of energy in a hockey ball is huge… the concussion and face injury danger to goalies if not well equipped is real. Find out all about the OBO helmets, what speeds each helmet protects to and the lab tests OBO performs.
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Squeaky Kickers
I just bought a pair of ROBO kickers but every time I step my shoe rubs against the toe part of the kicker and makes a really annoying squeaky noise. Are there any suggestions to get rid of the squeek? Thanks
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New Look Faceoff
Great article on the new FaceOff. Coming soon to OBO.
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New OBO Tattoo Range
Check out this new look ROBO tattoo range!
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November Sale 2009
Our annual sale of factory seconds and discontinued lines is now underway! Full details can be found here...
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Tips On Using The OBO Training D’FLECTA Mat
Product info Balls will be hit at the D’FLECTA, which alter ball directions in both height and width. This simulates deflections and helps train reaction times and hand eye coordination of goalkeepers. Tips on using the D’FLECTA mat Fast ball speeds and striker deflections now play a big roll in scoring goals. The mat enables … Continue reading "Tips On Using The OBO Training D’FLECTA Mat"
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Tips On Using The OBO Training FLICKA Stick
Product info This stick allows a coach, player or parent to flick the ball easily at the goalkeeper. The speed is controlled by the user and can be used softly for beginners using their hands and more power for advanced keepers simulating top level drag flicks. Tips on using the FLICKA stick Once mastered the … Continue reading "Tips On Using The OBO Training FLICKA Stick"
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Toni Cronk OBO Profile
Australian womens goalkeeper Toni Cronk's OBO profile
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Tips On Using The OBO Training BOBBLA Ball
Product info The BOBBLA ball will launch on December 1st 2009 and should be available from your local OBO stockist (keep an eye out for pricing details soon!). The balls will be available in bags by the dozen… they look like eggs get it! Sorry no more yolking around – for more info check out this post. Tips on … Continue reading "Tips On Using The OBO Training BOBBLA Ball"
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Kookaburras Update
It has been a busy year for the Australian Hockey Team and it is now almost time for the biggest test of 2009 – the Champions Trophy in Melbourne. Since Ric Charlesworth took over as coach at the start of the year the Kookaburras have played 31 tests, with 23 wins, 4 draws and 4 … Continue reading "Kookaburras Update"
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How To Fix Foam
Here at OBO we want you to get as much use as you possibly can from your kit. We often get asked whats the best glue to use on foam…we used to advise contact adhesive, but we have just discovered a great glue made by Loctite for “hard to bond materials”. Its called Loctite Plastic Bonder and bonds … Continue reading "How To Fix Foam"
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Blacksticks Custom Pads
Check out these these custom Hi-Rebound pads made for Blacksticks keeper Kyle Pontifex. The logo on the left leg wing was designed by Kyle and represents a map of New Zealand.
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Austria vs Germany European Championchip Video Highlights
An awesome video of Germany vs Austria from the European Championships submitted by Lukas Graser the Austrian Keeper.
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Passes Across The Back-Line
Defenders often like to pass the ball around the back of the pitch, in order to open up pitch space and allow for an attack through the middle; holding the ball and passing it amongst themselves to force the opposition to press forward (and thus making gaps appear). For this to happen, the goalkeeper must play their role in stepping out of the way!
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FLICKA Example Video
Some ideas and examples of using the OBO FLICKA Stick in action plus a few ideas on repetition training for aerial shots.
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D’FLECTA Example Video
Here is a video showing the OBO D'FLECTA mat in action and a few ideas for some drills that work on reactions.
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BOBBLA Example Video
Here is a video showing the OBO BOBBLA training ball in action and a few ideas for some drills that work on repetition and reaction training.
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Review: OBO Wheelie Bag
ROBO wheelie bag review by Leonie Hoffmann
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Beta Testing Review – D’flecta.
My review of the brand new OBO D'FLECTA.
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OBO Training Products On German TV
Some footage of the training products in action from Germany.
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Euro Hockey League 2009 Begins!
Just a quick reminder that the Euro Hockey League begins this weekend! Round 1.1 will be played between the 9th and 11th October. Round 1.2 is scheduled for 25th – 27th October in France. For more info on the draw and news check out this article from the EHL website.
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New Short Sleeved Smock
Hello amazing people based on your recent feedback here is a basic but fresh smock option we have been working on. It fits with the new FIH “one colour smock ruling” outlined below. Goalkeepers and players with goalkeeping privileges must wear a single coloured shirt or garment which is different in colour from that of … Continue reading "New Short Sleeved Smock"
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Goalie Brands Use In The Head Division Holland 2009/10
A table showing brand use from the Netherlands top division.
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OBO Training Flicka Beta Test Review
The Flicka Stick The hollow in the stick allows better control of the ball which enables the player/coach to control the speed and direction of the shot to a greater degree than is possible with the conventional hockey stick. When I first started to use the flicker stick most of the shots veered to GK’s … Continue reading "OBO Training Flicka Beta Test Review"
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OBO Training D’flecta Beta Testing Review
D’Flecta Mat This all weather mat is made of a durable rubber compound which is designed to deflect the ball off fin-like protrusions in unpredictable directions and heights when placed in front of the goals. The boomerang shaped mat remained secure on the turf regardless of the speed or amount of shots deflected off it. … Continue reading "OBO Training D’flecta Beta Testing Review"
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Indoor Legguard Covers
An article about indoor legguard covers and how to make them yourself or purchase them.
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Different Arm Pad Set-Ups
With the style of removable arm pads and separate chest pads, rather than a full all-in-one body suit, the goalkeeper has a lot of choice concerning their protection. With the 'padding down' style of goalkeeping offering a number of combinations, the goalkeeper can choose how to set up their arm protection in relation to the reflex qualities that freedom of movement allows.
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Field Hockey Goalkeeper Tricks
Check out these cool tricks by Alexander Robert of Holland...Respect!
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The Great Stick Debate! Outfield V Goalkeeper
Sticks used by outfielders are actually a good option for us goalkeepers. Their weight and strength makes them good for shot blockers and aggressive style keepers who also like to sweep the ball away with the stick. With some goalkeeper style sticks on the market too light and badly balanced, they are a suitable stick for those wanting an effective save making option.
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New Zealand NHL Wellington Vs Central
Highlights of New Zealand NHL game between Wellington and Central, plus an interview with Kyle Pontifex.
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Toe Tickler
Here photo that was sent in of a Brabo kit user...ouch!
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Standing when the ball is outside your half
When the ball is outside of your team's half, you can actively step forward to be nearer the action. Ready to react as the game develops, you can play aggressively to gain the advantage; already ready to move into intercept an attacker or pass into the D, to prevent a scoring chance.
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OBO Training Names and Nicknames
Hello hockey fans, We have been informed of a few nick names people have thought of for the training products such as the egg, bat wing and the shark fin which is cool we like them! We thought we should explain the names we have chosen for the products are based on what the product … Continue reading "OBO Training Names and Nicknames"
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Floortje Engels
Here are a few snaps of Dutch goalkeeper and gold medal winner; Floortje Engels. The Dutch women recently won the Rabo Euro Hockey Nations championships and Floortje won player of the competition 2008-2009 which is a very special for a goalie. Congradulations Floortje! Here is a few shots of Floortje in action at the 2009 … Continue reading "Floortje Engels"
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Field Hockey Pitch Template
Here are some useful Field Hockey Pitch templates that may be handy to coaches to explain the all important top secret plays and short corner attacks. Full Pitch Download Full Pitch PDF Half Pitch Download Half Pitch PDF The D Download The D PDF Check them out on our Facebook Album…
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OBO Training Product Video
We recently released some OBO Training Product Pictures. We had several requests to see the products in action so here is a product introduction showing the products being used…please let us know your thoughts via the comments. The products will go on sale wordwide on December 1st 2009. Keep an eye out for some beta … Continue reading "OBO Training Product Video"
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Don’t Mess With OBO Keepers!
Here is a photo taken by Ramon Gibert of Spain who was recently announced as Euro Hockey Photographer of the year. You can find his website at
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Oceania Cup Final
So it looks like we are taking the long road to qualify for the world cup…. We started the match with one of the strongest NZ line ups seen so far this year. I am glad I had a good warm up as right from the first whistle the Aussies had us under the pump. … Continue reading "Oceania Cup Final"
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Ice hockey elbow pads
With more goalkeepers wanting to 'pad down', ice hockey elbows are being worn more and more. With not many hockey companies producing elbow pads, they provide a decent level of protection for high level matches, with the flexibility for those desired reflex saves.
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Review of Robo Elbow Guards
After a long August, I have finally had the time to write my review of my Robo elbow guards I won during the Review Your Kit Competition. I will divide the article in four sections: At first sight First time using them Tech specs Overall impression So…read away. At First Sight When my elbow guards came in … Continue reading "Review of Robo Elbow Guards"
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Blacksticks v Malaysia Test Result
Finally in to the 5th and final test of our series against Malaysia. We now find ourselves in Taupo where the great weather has finally turned to rain. The locals really got behind the team and the test match organising a great dinner with some kids from the region and then having a great turnout … Continue reading "Blacksticks v Malaysia Test Result"
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Blacksticks v Malaysia Test Update
So on to game 3 against Malaysia: After a disappointing 2nd test ending in a 1-1 draw we moved on from the lovely Palmerston North (the home of OBO) to Napier. The blacksticks played well as a team and dominated the match, we were rewarded with a nice goal to Simon Child. One of the … Continue reading "Blacksticks v Malaysia Test Update"
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How To Re-Strap Your LHP
Here is a quick video of Jimmy from OBO World HQ showing how to re-strap your ROBO LHP. Preparation – You will need the following equipment;
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Recommended use, hot pants, groin guard
Question: I play for club and school in Australia and I train with a division one team on the side. Last week during division one training I was hit in the belly of my kicker last years Yahoo and it kind of hurt. I was fine at the time and I continued to train. Afterwards … Continue reading "Recommended use, hot pants, groin guard"
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OBO Training Product Pictures
As many people are aware we have been busy working on a range of training products with a focus on helping goalkeepers to train more effectively and have more fun! We are pleased to now reveal more details about the products and show you some photos of what the 3 products are shaping up like. … Continue reading "OBO Training Product Pictures"
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Brand Use At The Womens Champions Trophy 09
Here is a table showing the goalkeepers from the women's champions trophy and what kit brand they used.
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Ross Meadows OBO Profile
We welcome Ross Meadows to OBO’s list of particularly amazing people. Ross plays his club hockey for Hale Hockey Club in Western Australia and captains the SmokeFree WA Thundersticks in the Australian Hockey League. Having recently received the call up to the Kookaburras squad for the 2009 season, Ross has the ideal opportunity to impress … Continue reading "Ross Meadows OBO Profile"
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With 'going Dutch' and padding down for greater flexibility in save making, the skin is left vulnerable to getting shredded on tough sand based pitches. As has been said goalkeepers are amazing people! Ingeniously, some keepers have come up with the idea of wearing medical tubular bandages; allowing them to protect their skin without losing any mobility at the elbow for those all important reflex glove saves.
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What to do after the shot
Down on the play, you are left between a 'rock and a hard place'; having limited time to recover into your ready stance in readiness for the next save. Working out what to do next and deciding on when to recover, will affect the future outcome of the situation.
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Analysing your in-game play
It is important to analyse any game you play; allowing you to evaluate key areas of weakness that can be improved, as well as working out your strengths. Whilst a bad game is best forgotten, you can look back on your performance to learn from your mistakes and not commit them in the future.
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Coaching & training goalkeepers
Team trainings are necessary in developing the tactical skills a goalkeeper needs. It also enables the goalie to become an integral part of the teams defence and makes the defence trust his directions. cialis pills But the team training is not fit to train the specialist technical skills a goalkeeper needs. It is therefore imperative for … Continue reading "Coaching & training goalkeepers"
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Champions Trophy
So close! The 2009 Samsung Champions trophy is over and we are going home with silver. In the most intense game of the tournament the Hockeyroos went down to Argentina in strokes after staying at 0-0 after full time then extra time. It was a battle of the midfields with neither team having many good … Continue reading "Champions Trophy"
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Keep your gloves in front of your body!
Holding your gloves allows you to be get control of more raised shots by being nearer to the incoming ball, instead of having to react to every shot; pushing into the save. This is important when facing faster and harder shots, where you have less time to react to the shot, and therefore have a harder time controlling where the rebound will end up.
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Look Out Holland
Wow, what an exciting week we have had at champions Trophy. Last night we smashed the poms 4-0 in a great game in the freezing and wet Sydney weather. Wizza (Nic Arrold) scored two awesome short corner flicks, which were then topped off with goals to Casey and Hope. Everyone was really pleased with the … Continue reading "Look Out Holland"
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Champions Trophy Game 1 & 2
We have played 2 games now and we are sitting at one and one. Yesterday we beat Germany in a great performance 2-0 but unfortunately couldn’t back it up today and went down to the Argies 1-0. It was a tight game and my first experience with the video ref. A goal was scored which … Continue reading "Champions Trophy Game 1 & 2"
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Chest pads
The foam chest pad offers the goalkeeper basic protection to their upper body, whilst providing them with flexible options as to how they 'pad up'. Unlike full body armour, chest pads do not have shoulder protection or arm pads attached, allowing the keeper to choose protective options to suit their style, such as wearing elbow pads alongside the body pad instead of full arms.
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Hockeyroos On Sunrise Channel 7
Here are a few snaps from the Sunrise News Channel 7 that featured some footage of our training…so we took the chance to show off our custom Hockeyroos pads. We even got Fifi Box (the presenter) to try on our gear; We begin the Samsung Hockey Champions Trophy campaign on Saturday against Germany. Bye for … Continue reading "Hockeyroos On Sunrise Channel 7"
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Champions Trophy Sydney 09
The Hockeyroos have finally arrived in Sydney. Over the weekend we played 2 games in Perth against Germany as a warm up to the tournament. We won the first game 2-0 and drew the second 2-2. Yesterday we landed in Sydney and we nestled right in the heart of Darling harbour but unfortunately the view … Continue reading "Champions Trophy Sydney 09"
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5 Minutes with Alistair McGregor
Alistair McGregor plays club hockey for Loughborough Students and his country, first representing Scotland in 2001 accumulating 114 caps to date. The 28 year old PE teacher received his first Great Britain cap in October 2007 and recently helped Team GB earn a 5th place finish at the Beijing Olympics. This was Great Britain’s best … Continue reading "5 Minutes with Alistair McGregor"
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Ali McGregor OBO Profile
We have just added Ali McGregor’s profile to OBO’s list of particularly amazing people. What club you play for: Loughborough Students What Country you play for:Scotland and GB Great achievements: Winning the Olympic Qualifier with GB Olympic Games 2008 Being named in the World Allstar Team for 2008 List of gear you use: All ROBO … Continue reading "Ali McGregor OBO Profile"
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Slippery Stuff!
Hey guys and gals, I don’t know about anyone else, but i love slide-tackling the striker thinking that they have just scored another goal because they get a 1v1 with the goalie. I’m ready and waiting, and then bam! they are on the ground and the ball is back over the halfway line. write blog … Continue reading "Slippery Stuff!"
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Strengthen Those Wrists!
Hey guys and gals, “I see so many goalkeepers have there hands down by their sides and then cannot move them quick enough to get them to any aerial shots.” (Quoted from my coach). I do it sometimes i must admit that, but i have found something that can potentially help the lazy people out … Continue reading "Strengthen Those Wrists!"
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Rachael Lynch OBO Profile
We welcome Rachael Lynch to OBO’s list of particularly amazing people. Rachael made her Hockeyroos’ debut at the 2006 Champions Trophy in Amsterdam after some great performance in the 2006 AHL season. With veteran goalkeeper Rachel Imison now retired, Lynch will be looking to make the most of her opportunities. What club you play for: … Continue reading "Rachael Lynch OBO Profile"
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Beginner to Advanced Goalie
Now that you've put on the pads and learnt the basics of 'keeping, it's time to put your ambition into action. To reach your peak and play to your best, you have to work hard to ensure your technique and game style develops properly. If you want the glory at the end of the hard journey, then you'll happily work hard for it!
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NZ Hockey Goalkeeping Resource
Here is a great Goalkeeping manual in PDF format produced by New Zealand Hockey. “This booklet is designed for beginner goalkeepers as well as coaches who want help with specific training for their goalkeeper. It will also be useful for more experienced goalkeepers who want drills and games to improve their techniques.” To download the … Continue reading "NZ Hockey Goalkeeping Resource"
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Diving stick saves
Diving stick side is the most obvious example of an athletic goalkeeper, with the goalie extended out low to the stick side to stop the ball along the ground. This is the most basic dive, the one websites or team training session leaders preached to you about. It’s the simplest, and the most obvious; it … Continue reading "Diving stick saves"
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Lateral movement
Moving in shuffles is an essential part of getting around the D; staying in front of the play where you can block, rather than being side-on and turned away from goal.
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Hockey OBO Apparel
Have there ever been – or thought about producing OBO clothing apparel? Jumpers, Jackets etc? I for one would love to have them (proud to be a keeper and proud of my sport) and show off/advertise it 🙂 Jumpers would go down well, same with t-shirts to wear under the chest guard etc… Any one … Continue reading "Hockey OBO Apparel"
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Difference Between CK , and FG helmets
Hi all I’m in need of a new helmet soon and I’m looking at either getting another CK or an FG , the CK I got now has served me pretty awesomly , but now I see there is the fiberglass one too now , whats the major differences between the two ? besides one … Continue reading "Difference Between CK , and FG helmets"
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Robo Body Armour Modifications
Next came the most painful and bloody part of the modification, yes ladies I can sew ;) I'm domesticated.
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The alternative upper leg coverage available to goalkeepers, rather than wearing padded shorts, are girdles. Rather than having main padding to the front of the short, the padding is spread right around the leg and hips, conforming to the body shape as the layering develops. High density foam is used throughout, giving you suitable protection. … Continue reading "Girdles"
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Review of Hi-Control RHP
hmmm so i got this Little piece of kit back in 2006 , and honestly it was not my 1st choice, i wanted the hi control robo RHP, but my current glove( yes those good old leather ones) didnt work at all and my local supplier was out of the robo hi-control ones, so i … Continue reading "Review of Hi-Control RHP"
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Stick Choice
Question: Hi Jon, Hope all is going well for you. Tom’s hockey is continuing to go well – he is now 19 and studying Actuarial Science at the University of Cape Town and playing in their 2nd side. Both 1st & 2nd sides play in the Grand Challenge league, which is probably the strongest league … Continue reading "Stick Choice"
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Moving around your D
Moving around your D is just as important as controlling it; if you’re not moving into position every time the ball moves, you’re not going to be into position to make the save. Shuffling is the main vehicle for moving around, for sideways movement across the D and between attackers, but don’t rule out running … Continue reading "Moving around your D"
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Australia v England
The Kookaburras have concluded our nine game tour of Europe with two wins against England at Highfields in Nottingham. After playing them at the Hamburg Masters we knew to expect more tough opposition, and this certainly proved to be the case. Penalty corner scoring was the order of the day in our 5-4 win during game … Continue reading "Australia v England"
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Review Your Kit Competition Winners
The Review your kit Competition has now closed, but we and other people around the world really value your reviews of kit; so keep sharing, contributing and enjoying. See this link to view all the competition reviews. We requested creativity in how the content was displayed along with some straight talking on what you really … Continue reading "Review Your Kit Competition Winners"
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What glue?
Question: My son is a hockey goalkeeper and owns a Robo hockey helmet. We purchased this fantastic helmet about a year ago. The only, ongoing problem we have is that everytime he removes the sweatband from inside the helmet, the piece of velcro which holds the sweatband in the helmet comes loose. We have tried … Continue reading "What glue?"
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Stripper shorts
With recent strides in technology and production, hockey kit producers have been able to design a pair of shorts that best suits the goalkeeper’s needs; using strips of strong foam around the leg (with thick padding at the hip and body area to cover when sliding or going down to block), providing a hybrid of … Continue reading "Stripper shorts"
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Padded shorts
Padded shorts are the basic type of lower body protection; hard foam padding or strong plastic are sewn into the shorts. Unlike girdles, the shorts do not cover the whole of the upper legs, but do give considerable protection to the lower area above the pad. What with the game and technology constantly evolving, … Continue reading "Padded shorts"
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Australia wins Hamburg Masters
Australia won the 2009 Hamburg Masters tournament over the weekend with wins over England and Germany in consecutive days. After defeating England 5-2 on Saturday, the game against Germany was effectively turned into the tournament final when they beat the Netherlands 5-3 in their second match. With two close losses under our belts in practice … Continue reading "Australia wins Hamburg Masters"
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Camo overpants
Hi Obo, I thought of a great idea about a design for your overpants that cover the hotpants. I saw to the Camo gear pics and noticed that there weren’t any camo overpants. I noticed that perhaps wearing the camo smock could look a bit goofy sometimes, why not make a over pants with the … Continue reading "Camo overpants"
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Australia v Holland
Australia recorded a 3-2 win over the Netherlands in our opening game of the Hamburg Masters today. We went to the break 2-1 up after goals to Luke Doerner and Eddie Ockendon, before Luke made it 3-1 early in the second half with another penalty corner conversion. Holland hit back with a drag flick of … Continue reading "Australia v Holland"
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ROBO Bodi Arma Review
Hi Amazing Guys and Girls I’m going to keep this short and sweet, just like me 🙂 I’m the proud owner of Obo ROBO Bodi Arma, well let’s just say when the parcel arrived I was like a small child at Christmas, and was soon bouncing about in my new toy. Why do I think … Continue reading "ROBO Bodi Arma Review"
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12 Creative Funky Helmets
Here are a range of 12 cool helmet designs; Some good inspiration for some custom graphics...
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Well Equiped; What The Pros Are Using
Here is a oldie but a goodie from a South African magazine named Sports Illustrated. This magazine featured an article that makes a comparison of kit worn between Shankar Lakshman, who was goalkeeper in the 1950’s and Chris Hibbert the current South African. Shankar Lakshman was nicknamed the rock of Gibraltar… Downloaded the article here. … Continue reading "Well Equiped; What The Pros Are Using"
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New Idea For Kickers
OBO kickers are awesome ! I have tried all series of kickers and you get what you pay for in performance and quality as you move up the range. I don’t want to review all the kickers however for a long time now I have been thinking of a way to design a kicker that … Continue reading "New Idea For Kickers"
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Obo Robo Hot-Pants Review
Yes yet another review from me! This time however I’m going to review my Obo Robo Hotpants!!! Before I got these pants I was using my clubs (So ice hockey brand that I can’t remember) And will if I may they were RUBISH! (Compared to the hot pants) They were heavy, loose around the thighs, … Continue reading "Obo Robo Hot-Pants Review"
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Games Against Germany
We had our first loss of the tour this week in our opening game against Germany, the defending Olympic and World Cup winners. They scored in the final minute to record a 4-3 victory after we had come back from 3-1 down to get back in the game. Luke Doerner, Simon Orchard and Jason Wilson … Continue reading "Games Against Germany"
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Finding The post
Sometimes when moving around goal and focusing on the play around you, you can forget where you are in relation to the post and lose your angles; 'tapping' the post is a simple way of getting round this.
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Which Kickers for Cloud Legguards?
It has come to that time of year again where i have to look at my kit and ask myself whether or not it’ll survive another season of punishment. This time round it’s my kickers that are being called into question. My trusty Cloud kickers have started disintegrating at an alarming rate after 4 seasons hard … Continue reading "Which Kickers for Cloud Legguards?"
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OGO Kickers Review
OBO OGO Kickers After writing a review about the leg guards, I thought I should make one about the OGO kickers as well – because (as I said with the leg guards) OGO is sadly misunderstood… In my other review I covered four major subjects; weight, rebound, protection and drawbacks. I’ll try to do the … Continue reading "OGO Kickers Review"
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Shoulder Pads
Without any protection to the shoulder areas when using a solo body/chest pad, separate shoulder pads can be used in conjunction, to protect your joints when you hit the pitch when landing a save, or challenging on the ground. Increasing your upper body protection should be considered if you are concerned over the level and … Continue reading "Shoulder Pads"
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Arrival in Hamburg
Now that the Kookaburras have arrived in Germany, we have two tests against the host nation before the start of the Hamburg Masters tournament, which also includes England and the Netherlands. Before any international match it is important that all members of the team have done some research on their opposition to ensure we are … Continue reading "Arrival in Hamburg"
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OBO Cloud Leg-guards Review In A Short Story
Hey Everybody, When I read through the other reviews for the kit competition, which were all very good, I noticed that nobody had really been that creative and that I might be able to fill this gap. Either way, I hope you enjoy: I waited anxiously on Monday morning, staring out the window till about … Continue reading "OBO Cloud Leg-guards Review In A Short Story"
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CLOUD Legguards Review
Well I chose to review my OBO cloud legguards Before I got my Cloud I was using my clubs leg guards. But I found that even on a nice slippery water base pitch you COULDN’T slide! When I first ordered them I was regretting not getting the ROBO, as I heard rumours that cloud was … Continue reading "CLOUD Legguards Review"
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Advanced positioning
To make the most of angle play, and challenging the shooter’s angle of the possible shot, you must understand your positioning in relation to the goal, and the ball itself. By really challenging the angle, and ‘getting in the face’ of the shooter, you should be able to force the shot wide; coming out so … Continue reading "Advanced positioning"
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Making use of your angles
Now that you have grown used to positioning yourself in the correct angle around goal and the D, it is important to employ your angles in playing a situation to your advantage. Learning to be aggressive with your positioning to challenge the shooter really gives you an edge when faced with an open opportunity against … Continue reading "Making use of your angles"
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Game 2 vs France
Australia recorded a 4-1 victory in our second and final game against France to finish up 2-0 series winners. At the wonderful venue of Racing Club in Versailles, the Kookaburras extended their two goal half time lead in a greatly improved performance after game one. Chris Ciriello, Glenn Simpson, Luke Doerner and Simon Orchard all … Continue reading "Game 2 vs France"
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Other than covering your neck area with a removable bib/guard, it is possible to use to increase the protection required for your neck, with the mask not follow covering this dangerous area. The dangler is attached to the helmet or mask, hanging off the chin of the helmet, to cover the open neck area and … Continue reading "Danglers"
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Hockey Specific Masks
Due to the great improvement in the plastics industry, metal working, and technology in general, field hockey equipment makers have been attempting to keep up with the new alterations to the new sticks that give players greater chance to do us more damage! Similar to ice hockey masks, hockey specific masks are fully enclosed helmets, … Continue reading "Hockey Specific Masks"
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Review on OBO Robo Elbow Guards
This is my review on the new OBO Robo Elbow Guards. Hope you enjoy it.
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Hibbert’s Take Over The Reins At Southgate
A father and son coaching team is taking over the reins at Southgate Hockey Club. First team goalkeeper Chris Hibbert (an OBO sponsored player) and his father Brian are looking to steer the three-time European Cup-winning club back into the top flight next season. Both boast a wealth of coaching experience while Chris, a South … Continue reading "Hibbert’s Take Over The Reins At Southgate"
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Slazenger Phantom Body Armour Review
Due to popular demand (well someone kinda sorta asked me) here's my review of the Slazenger Phantom Body Armour. Enjoy
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Game 1 vs France
On the morning that a player makes his debut for Australia, a Kookaburra from the past officially presents the individual with his first jersey. When I was in this position in January against the Netherlands, I was lucky enough to be handed my first playing shirt by three-time Olympian goalkeeper Damon Diletti. The photo I’ve … Continue reading "Game 1 vs France"
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‘Open window’ hockey masks
Due to the requirements of goalkeepers who prefer an open view of the game (the ability to see what is around them, and to judge how the game will develop/see through screens), but the issues over safety of helmet/cage combos, some manufacturers are currently producing masks with an open view. In this case, the masks … Continue reading "‘Open window’ hockey masks"
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Deciding on your stance
The age old perspective is that positioning in a stance is up for to you to decide, according to your height, weight etc. or should follow a theoretic stance. Again, everybody is different, so not everyone’s going to be happy doing the same thing. Body posture affects both how you make the save and how … Continue reading "Deciding on your stance"
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Kookaburras European Tour
Tonight we are playing our opening game of the Australian team’s tour of Europe in Montrouge, the first of a two game series against France. It’s very exciting to begin the test schedule after considerable travel time and some solid training sessions. After leaving Australia we flew to London via Singapore, before travelling by bus and … Continue reading "Kookaburras European Tour"
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The Ready Stance
The ready stance is your basic form of positioning – readying for the shot, and possible action. In essence, you should be in your ready stance whenever the game is in your end; you should be prepared for anything, as anything could happen. I personally change up and adapt my stance to suit different game … Continue reading "The Ready Stance"
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Review of ROBO Hotpants
Review of ROBO Hotpants After I had worn the CLOUD hotpants for a while I found I wanted a bit more protection so I upgraded to the ROBO hotpants. When I took them out of the bag they immediately felt a lot more solid then the Cloud. Made from all Lycra, good pockets for the … Continue reading "Review of ROBO Hotpants"
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New Addition To OBO Sponsored Players; Ross Meadows
We welcome Ross Meadows to OBO’s particularly amazing people. Ross plays his club hockey for Hale Hockey Club in Western Australia and captains the SmokeFree WA Thundersticks in the Australian Hockey League. Having recently received the call up to the Kookaburras squad for the 2009 season, Ross has the ideal opportunity to impress Australian coach … Continue reading "New Addition To OBO Sponsored Players; Ross Meadows"
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Understanding The Stances
With the modern stance developing with the increased need for movement, and making use of the hands to make reflexive saves at the higher area of the net, two distinctive styles haves started to stand out. The varying stances will be described and evaluated next: the Y style popular in Europe and the X stance, … Continue reading "Understanding The Stances"
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Review: Robo Bodi Arma
This is my review of the Robo Body Armour which i have found to be among the best in the world.
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ROBO Hi Rebound Kicker Review
My favourite piece of kit is the ROBO Hi Rebound Kicker because i have lost count of the times i have misplaced my foot and because of there size the ball deflects off the end hits the post and goes wide:) with my old cloud kickers the ball would just bounce over it. Also the … Continue reading "ROBO Hi Rebound Kicker Review"
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Equipment Overview
Lest we forget, equipment is still a very important part of the game for us keepers. If we turn up to practise against hard shots, with poor equipment, it affects our game to our own detriment. Personal cheap cialis 20mg safety is something we should all take note of, and consider equipment that properly protects … Continue reading "Equipment Overview"
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Making a blocking shape: standing barriers
A lot of goalkeepers, like the school of North American goalkeeping, prefer to have a stance where the body provides a constant blocking shape, keeping a tight stance during all of the play, with the closed legs providing a vertical barrier against possible shots, without any chance of the ball squeezing through. With the body … Continue reading "Making a blocking shape: standing barriers"
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Review of CLOUD Hotpants
When looking for a decent pair of goalkeeping shorts the options are limited. Luckily OBO has a couple and I decided to try out the Cloud ones. From the box (or bag, which they come in) they looked pretty good. Not bulky, padding in the parts that matter the most and they are very light. … Continue reading "Review of CLOUD Hotpants"
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Understanding Angles
The principal of angles dictates your whole game; playing the angles and setting up in front of a shot is all about cutting down shooting space, giving you a greater chance of making the save, rather than leaving too much open and having to make every save by throwing yourself around. Learning the different angles … Continue reading "Understanding Angles"
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Kicker Straps – Shoe Modification To Extend Life
One of the things I enjoy about the goalkeeping community is the sharing of hints and tips when it comes to all things kit; this is probably one of my favourites, hopefully you can benefit from this if you don’t already. I should start by saying that I’ve used a few different brands over the years, and … Continue reading "Kicker Straps – Shoe Modification To Extend Life"
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The Arc Around The Goal
As the ball moves around the pitch, more shooting lanes open up. As you face these different angles, you have to be able to move across with the ball; moving into cover the new angle, changing angles to suit the change in play and allow you to make the save against the new shot. ‘The … Continue reading "The Arc Around The Goal"
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Hi-Rebound Kickers Review: Why They Don’t Stink
So I’ve had these high rebound kickers for just over a year now, and I have to say, they are probably the best piece of equipment I’ve invested in. They’re light, and best of all they look slick. I play quite a mixed game, running around the place a lot, staying on my feet, unless … Continue reading "Hi-Rebound Kickers Review: Why They Don’t Stink"
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Kicking is fundamental to field hockey goalkeeping; goalkeepers are separated by their ability to pass the ball with their feet. With the ‘foot’ rule for outfield players, we are the only person who is allowed to legally use their feet to our own and our team’s advantage. It is therefore essential that you have good … Continue reading "Kicking"
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OGO Legguard’s Review
I have decided to write a review about my new OGO legguards (which I’m borrowing from my club), as I think many people underestimate the great aspects of ‘high control’ shaped OGO. OGO Medium Legguards When I was given the leg guards I was aware that OGO was the bottom of the OBO range, so … Continue reading "OGO Legguard’s Review"
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Review of Robo Hi Control RHP
During the November sale last year, I bought my own first pair of hand protectors: The Robo Hi Controls. The first time I tried them out, the difference was incredible...
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Custom Bike Trailor For OBO Gear
Check out this cool custom bike trailer! The tailor is owned by Emma Griffin (age 11) and was made by her farther to enable her to transport her gear to and from training and games- great work Dad! Emma plays her hockey in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. You may have guessed this from the classic Dutch … Continue reading "Custom Bike Trailor For OBO Gear"
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OBO Hi-Control Legguard’s Review
When I purchased my Hi-Control legguards (in my first ever Obo spending spree), I wasn’t sure what to expect- apart from I had heard great things about them from other keepers. I find the hi-controls easy to run in and move about in but overall I was impressed by them because rebound is very good … Continue reading "OBO Hi-Control Legguard’s Review"
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Tournament Kit Bag Essentials
While at a tournament and a long way from home it can be very off putting to not have equipment that is needed to do the job and perform at your highest level. For some of us (me too) representative duties can be quite a daunting task given that it may well be the first … Continue reading "Tournament Kit Bag Essentials"
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OBO PE Helmet Review
I have chosen to write a review on my PE helmet. To start off, before purchasing this helmet I used to play in a very mediocre lid, Not going to name names : ) I purchased this helmet at the start of this season and from the moment I took it out of the box … Continue reading "OBO PE Helmet Review"
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Review Your Kit Competition
Guys and Gals, its time for the Keepers Resources 2.0 site to host its first competition. The Review Your Kit competition! We want you to create a new post / article reviewing 1 item of kit for the world to see. So tell us straight what you think – tell us what you love about … Continue reading "Review Your Kit Competition"
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Robo HI CONTROL hand protectors
I am a goalkeeper playing in South Africa and am looking to upgrade my Cloud 9 hand protectors as they aren't standing up to my current level of hockey. One of my concerns with the RHP is that it tends to fold in on itself when saving faster shots either logging or in the air and has trapped myfingers between the stick face and inner surface of the hand protector. Is this a problem with the Robo hi-control protector?
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ROBO Elbowguards Review
Here is a couple of stills and a couple of vids that are a bit tongue in cheek. My comments are as follows… 1. Great adjustability and wearability c/o the amount and placement of the velcro strips. 2. very minor impediment to full movement. 3. Courtesy of my immense bodyweight I regularly end up with … Continue reading "ROBO Elbowguards Review"
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Common Injuries And Treatments
The problem with injuries, other than actually having to deal with the suffering of sitting out when you feel you should be playing, and then putting up with the pain involved, is that being sporting injuries, they are more of a specialist subject that are hard to deal with, and are not very well understood. … Continue reading "Common Injuries And Treatments"
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Self Pass Free Hit Rule 2009
Here is a link to the world hockey post about cialis online pharmacy the rule change. Here is a great tutorial that helps to understand the new rule change. This video was made by UNSW Hockey Club.Link A few comments were made on the Field Hockey Forum here stating peoples opinions on the rule change … Continue reading "Self Pass Free Hit Rule 2009"
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Camo Hi Control Gear
Here is a cheeky shot of Animal showcasing the Hi Control Camo range. (Please note you do not require a beard of this nature to wear this kit, although it is a nice touch!) This kit is currently only available in Australia, and it has been well received here. What are your thoughts on the … Continue reading "Camo Hi Control Gear"
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Going ‘Dutch’
These days you will see a fair amount of goalkeepers in different leagues going without full arm protection. ‘Padding down’ with a goalkeeper removing their arm guards completely to gain extra movement (without the added weight or restriction of bulky arm padding) and speed in glove saves, is often referred to as ‘going Dutch’ because … Continue reading "Going ‘Dutch’"
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OBO WebSite Developers Win Award
Fracture’s new website features managing director James McKee (left) and Nick Shaw. Auckland website design company Fracture has always aimed to be different and last month its unique approach was recognised by a significant international accolade. Its web design work for local architects Jasmax won the business category of the South by Southwest Interactive Awards, … Continue reading "OBO WebSite Developers Win Award"
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Stay Up To Date With Keepers Resources 2.0
Good day sports fans, Here is a great way to stay up to date with Keeper Resource updates; sign up for an RSS feed. RSS stands for; Rich Site Summary – and will basically deliver new content that is submitted to this OBO Keepers Resources site directly to you. There are two options available: Subscribe … Continue reading "Stay Up To Date With Keepers Resources 2.0"
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OBO Shirts
Verbunt Hockey, Netherlands have recently launched 2 new OBO shirts that are exclusive to Verbunt. Check out the Orange shirt: link Front Back The new OBO shirt, now in orange/blue. Nice to play in or wear after the game. Backside: ‘Goalkeepers are amazing people’ logo + number 1. Left sleeve: ‘OBO Good shit that really … Continue reading "OBO Shirts"
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The Worlds Smallest Keeper Uses OGO Custom Kit
Here is a nice little OBO story for you; An OBO dad bought the smallest OBO kit possible (OBO OGO XXS) for his Son age 7. However at this age the legguards were still too big. At OBO HQ we got a request from dad for some foam and a few tips on how he … Continue reading "The Worlds Smallest Keeper Uses OGO Custom Kit"
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Short Corners: Getting Caught Out On The Drag Flick
When facing a drag flick from the top of the D on a short corner the biggest problem for the goalkeeper is to know how long to stand up (or remain standing) to deal with the incoming shot. If the destination is not given away, with the ability of the shooter to disguise it, you … Continue reading "Short Corners: Getting Caught Out On The Drag Flick"
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The 100kmph Creme Egg!
Hello, Here at OBO were all about making the best products that are specific to Hockey ie: the impact of a hockey ball. Before now, we really had to test the equipment using an ‘Ouch!’ factor… Now we have quite possibly the most advanced lab in the Southern Hemisphere for testing the impact of hockey … Continue reading "The 100kmph Creme Egg!"
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Champions Youth Cup
SportsLink Australia has sent us the following information… My name is Alexis and i work for Ivan Boulton FIH grade one coach and director of SportsLink Australia. I”ve been asked to let you know about an exciting new hockey tournament which is set to get underway in July and November of this year, ‘The Champions … Continue reading "Champions Youth Cup"
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OBO Elbow Guard Product Tour
Our ROBO Elbow guard is in the final stages of our βeta testing programme and we are just making the final tweaks before we launch the product. This product will in your local OBO supplier soon. Here is a quick video displaying how the elbow guard is reversible so you can adjust the product to … Continue reading "OBO Elbow Guard Product Tour"
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Knees Up Knee Protector
OBO and myself (along with other keepers) have been working together to produce a knee protector that would protect the exposed top part of the knee joint. The goal for this project was to make a light weight, protective piece of equipment that didn’t hinder a keepers mobility or effect performance by being bulky and … Continue reading "Knees Up Knee Protector"
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How To Keep Your Goalkeeping Kit In Top Condition
Here are some great tips and advice on how to keep your kit in its best condition. 1.After each training session or game, take the gear out of the bag to allow it to dry. It helps prevent odours and damage to body armour and other gear can be monitored and repaired. 2.Before putting the … Continue reading "How To Keep Your Goalkeeping Kit In Top Condition"
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The Second Save
Consequent rebound shots after the initial save are one of the hardest jobs for a goalkeeper to deal with. Unable to clear the ball and with going straight back out into play, further shots are guaranteed, with the shooter having more and more chances to bury it. The longer the ball stays in the D, … Continue reading "The Second Save"
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Review of OBO ROBO elbow protectors and OBO Senior Knee protectors
Review of OBO ROBO elbow protectors and OBO Senior Knee protectors by Niclas Franzén Swedish national goalkeeper and goalkeeper for Partille Sport Club Please excuse my grammatical and spelling errors This review consist of three parts “First impression”, “Review after testing” and “Pictures” First impression Elbow pads At first look I was a bit confused … Continue reading "Review of OBO ROBO elbow protectors and OBO Senior Knee protectors"
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How To Condition Your Kickers
Want to know how to get the best comfort and lifespan from your new OBO kickers? Click below to view the presentation on how to condition your kickers. Many thanks to Animal for his content input.
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Not Getting Into Your Stance In Time
Getting into the stance, when the action is not specifically close, is something that troubles a whole range of keepers with saving and decision making ability, which can cost them in the game. It is so important to get into your ready stance before the stance – the better prepared you are, the more chance … Continue reading "Not Getting Into Your Stance In Time"
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OBO ROBO Throat Protector
Here is a review made by Morley Athletic on the OBO ROBO throat protector.
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OBO Face Off
Check out these limited edition custom Face Off paint jobs produced exclusively for Verbunt Hockey, Netherlands. The range of graphics are sure to give you attackers a scare on shortcorner plays. To get one of the exclusive Face Off designs click here to go to the Verbunt pages. About the Face Off The OBO FaceOff has … Continue reading "OBO Face Off"
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Retro Helmets
Check out these limited edition “Retro” helmet produced exclusively for Barrington Sports, UK. Clean crisp classic looking helmets with no fuss. The OBO CK helmet offers unrivaled protection at the highest level of the game. Replacing the coveted Union Jack helmet these retro helmets will help you keep your head! Link to page on Barrington’s website … Continue reading "Retro Helmets"
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Testing Times
What use would Kiwi sports equipment manufacturer OBO have for high-speed cameras, capable of capturing 2,000 frames per second? The answer to that question isn’t that obvious, but damn cool. Read more about OBO and Nightside Test Design’s clever use of high-tech gear for designing their products.
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New Science is Saving Faces
A spin-off from OBO’s new knowledge could also lead to riot police around the world wearing protective gear made in New Zealand. A $217,000 investment from TechNZ, the business investment arm of the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology, is helping OBO understand exactly what happens to the body, particularly the face and head, when … Continue reading "New Science is Saving Faces"
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Use of Brands at the 2008 Beijing Olympics
An interesting table displaying the use of goalkeeping brands in the 2008 Beijing Olympics
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Daily Eating Plan
Get used to planning what you’re going to eat each day. Planning helps to stop eating whatever, whenever. Check the labels for the amount of fat, carbs, and protein they contain.This is an example of an eating plan for a player who has a light run in the morning followed by training or game in … Continue reading "Daily Eating Plan"
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Drinking adequate amounts of fluid can prevent dehydration, reduce heat disorders, and provide a convenient source of energy. It can get pretty hot in all that gear and fluids help regulate your body's temperature. Ensuring you have sufficient fluids before and during training, can improve your performance. Replacing lost fluid after training helps in your body's recovery.
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How to be a Steel Ball of Muscle
Bruises, sprains, knocks and even broken bones come with the territory of a goalkeeper. Protein helps in the repair and recovery of damaged muscles and tissues, and in the recovery of energy stores. Consuming sufficient amounts of protein enables your body to recovery from training and to build strength. For young goalkeepers, protein is also … Continue reading "How to be a Steel Ball of Muscle"
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How not to be a butterball of fat
Extra weight can slow you down. Although fat helps protect the organs from damage, we prefer our gear to do that. Simply put, if you eat more than your body needs, you get fat. Obviously the moral is not to overeat. Consume enough food to provide energy for all your daily activities - training, recovery, growth etc.
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How to be a Fireball of Energy
How to be a Fireball of Energy
Think of your energy levels as a fire no fuel, the fire goes out and your energy levels decline. You need to continually feed the fire to keep your energy levels up. It's important that you have sufficient fuel before, during, and after your training to keep your fire burning. If you've ever felt tired, light headed, uncoordinated or weak, it might just be that you're low on fuel and your fire is going out. If you have high levels of fuel stored before training, you will be able to use that energy to train harder, for longer. Carbohydrate is the body's fuel that stokes up your fire.
Good sources of carbohydrates come from breads, grains, pastas, fruit and vegetables.
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Today's goalkeeper needs to be a super hero - speed, strength, courage, energy, reflexes, coordination, agility, skill, decisiveness, and determination. It's no longer the fat person who gets put in goal just because they take up the most space.
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Goalkeeping in Field Hockey: 2nd Edition
A document containing all of the training tips from our old website up to September 2005 along with Jon’s expert advice in the Q&A section. Select which format of download below: Goalkeeping in Field Hockey 2nd Edition (PDF 3.07mb) OR Goalkeeping in Field Hockey (ZIP 2.57mb) Created by Pete Carling. You will need the free … Continue reading "Goalkeeping in Field Hockey: 2nd Edition"
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Goalkeeping in Field Hockey
A document containing all of the training tips from our old website up to October 2000 along with Jon’s expert advice in the Q&A section. Select which format of download below: Goalkeeping in Field Hockey (PDF 1.71mb) OR Goalkeeping in Field Hockey (ZIP 1.66mb) Created by Rene Verbeek. You will need the free Adobe Reader … Continue reading "Goalkeeping in Field Hockey"
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Get the OBO Wallpaper
Please select your screen size below: 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1600x 1050 How to: Right click on the image when it opens up and select “Set As Desktop Background”
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How do i Change My Keepers Resources Password?
To change your log-in password; 1.Go to your “Profile” 2. scroll down to “New Password” 3. Type your new password in twice then “Update Profile”
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Basic Navigation of the OBO Keepers Resources Website
Please click the image below to view the flash presentation. [HTML1]
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Welcome to OBO Keepers Resources 2.0!
Welcome Amazing Goalkeeper, Thanks for joining us on the OBO Keepers Resources 2.0. We have worked hard to provide you with a new improved goalkeepers resource that will enable you to share what you find, contribute your knowledge and learn from other keepers all over the world on playing better and having more fun! If this … Continue reading "Welcome to OBO Keepers Resources 2.0!"
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OBO Goalkeeping Manual
Download the OBO goalkeeping manual on training, techniques, coaching and materials from OBO. This PDF can be downloaded here. You will need the free Adobe Reader to open the PDF. .
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Knees Up Review By Alistair McGregor
Alistair McGregor is the current Loughborough Students and Great Britain goalkeeper. As an OBO sponsored player has requested to test out the Knees Up knee protector…here is his review: “I have been using the knee pads for the past few months now and have been very impressed by them. I got a direct hit off … Continue reading "Knees Up Review By Alistair McGregor"
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Air Cannon Helps OBO Test its Latest Mask
CRASH TEST: The air cannon used in impact testing at the OBO laboratory in Palmerston North. The Antipodean collider is actually a form of air cannon used in testing helmets, face masks and other protective gear developed by the Palmerston North-based sports equipment manufacturer, OBO. OBO is now well into the design and prototype construction … Continue reading "Air Cannon Helps OBO Test its Latest Mask"
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New Test Lab Tackles Sports Injuries “Head-On”
Media release, 7 May 2008, Nightside Test Design Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand: Christchurch based company test engineering company Nightside Test Design is showcasing slow motion video clips of their latest vision and data project at the EMEX trade show currently running in Auckland, demonstrating the impact of cricket and hockey balls on standard sports helmets.
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Play it forward
Whether it is the New Year, the holidays, or just the opportunity to look back, life presents us with a chance to take stock of all we have. One of my all-time favorite books (and movies) is Pay It Forward. The story revolves around a boy's class project, the concept of what we can realize if we pass on the good that comes to us. Many of us have been given a great many gifts. I'll speak for myself and say many of my greatest gifts have come through sport. In the spirit of passing on what we have and the chance to give back, I offer a list of how we can play it forward.
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There was a day when any lifted shot at goal had to be controlled and cleared by the keeper. Control meant stopping the ball and dropping it straight down to clear. Keepers were required to wear gloves and essentially had to catch the shot without closing their hand on the ball and drop it down. Opposing forwards knew exactly where the first save had to go and were quick to pounce on the dropped shot. If the equipment made the job difficult enough, the consequences of bad technique made the lifted shot brutal. If your save caused the ball to be pushed or deflected you were rewarded with a penalty stroke against you. If you think that was ancient history, those rules were on the books in the 1980's.
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Helmet Sizing
ABS / PE / FG / CK Helmets come in two sizes: medium and large. And as every Goal Keeper’s head is different, here are some guidelines for choosing a helmet which fits well. There are two important measurements for helmet sizing. You’ll probably need to get a friend to help you measure them. As … Continue reading "Helmet Sizing"
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Custom Helmet Images
Bricks Cobra Dog Eddie Flame Ghost Hannibal Reaper Sharkhead Splatter Tiger T-Rex Zebra
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Fixing split kickers and legguards
Recently I've received some questions from people having problems with bonded foam separating in kickers and leg guards. First off, if your leg guards or kickers are under one year from time of purchase they should be under warranty. If that fits your situation, you should take the matter up with the agent who sold you your gear. If the pads are older than a year, than try this...
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Goalkeeping – An Age Old (Old Age) Perspective
BY IAN TAYLOR; ONE TIME GOALKEEPER I thought it would be interesting to pen a few personal thoughts on the union, the great and the good and how it appears through an “old mans eyes” The noble art of keeping is changing as it ever has, each generation adapting, creating new skills, techniques and styles. … Continue reading "Goalkeeping – An Age Old (Old Age) Perspective"
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Penalty Corners: Drag Flicks
Drag flicks present a huge problem for keepers in that they increase the variables that a keeper must deal with on penalty corners. Previously, the straight hit was the primary option and logging became the popular technique for dealing with the well struck shot.
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Throat Guards
Recently there's been a thread on the Community section on throat guards and I'll throw my two cents in. Wearing a throat guard has nothing to do with vanity and everything to do with protection. Drag flicks, deflections and point blank chip shots make it difficult to predict how you'll be able to react and where you're going to get hit.
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Agility Drills: Reflex Work
Starting with reaction training, please check Rachel's Tips on the OBO website. She has a good tip on REFLEX TRAINING. I do a lot of work with tennis balls in place of hockey balls in reaction drills but obviously that's pretty tough on your own. I like to work on aerial saves with just a helmet, hand protectors and a stick and having someone hit tennis balls with a racquet. You can further add to the reaction element by facing your back to the hitter and turning on their call be fore the shot so you have to find the ball first.
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Selections: Making/Picking the Team
Selections, mention the word and the reactions for keepers competing for a spot on a team range from a rise in pulse and butterflies the size of basketballs in his/her stomach to nerves of steel and a confidence that says
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Team Dynamics
In the ideal world every goalkeeper is a starting keeper. You play every minute of every game and never let in a goal. Reality tells us this isn't true. The world is filled with keepers with a wide range of skills and a limited number of teams. Not every keeper gets to play, but that's not to say that every keeper can't have an impact on his or her team's performance. How goalkeepers work together on a team is an important dynamic on and off the field.
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Goalkeeping Books and Other Resources
Recently I got a question asking about books on goalkeeping. I looked on my bookshelf and quickly realized that most of the titles I've accumulated on the subject are long since out of print. Books may not yet have gone the way of the vinyl album, but increasingly other media is replacing them. Video and computers help make the printed word come alive and open a completely new library that everyone can access. The Internet can be a tremendous resource for the resourceful coach or keeper.
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Use of Brands at the 2004 Athens Olympics
This article displays a chart listing of all the goalkeeping brands at the 2004 Olympics.
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Hi-Rebound Kit Report
SP Kit Report by Jimi Lewis of the GB Mens' Team
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The Mental Game
In the quest to become better players, goalkeepers train thousands of hours, burn millions of calories and spend hundreds of dollars on equipment. Yet when it comes to the difference between becoming a good keeper and a great keeper, the answer may lie between their ears. The mental game can be a critical part to success.
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Decision-Making and Team Defense
Good decision-making may be one of the most critical elements of successful team defense. It can also be one of the most difficult elements of the game to learn. Good decision-making especially as it applies to team defense depends on assessing options, developing a plan of defense, communicating the plan and executing the needed skills, usually in less than five seconds.
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Suggestions For Using The Hi-Rebound RHP On The Ground by Roland Löwe
The robo SP right hand protector has been designed for an upright style of play however it can still be used successfully for ground defence. Roland Löwe outlines techniques for effectively using the new hand protector on the ground.
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Product Review by George Pinner
George Pinner is a sponsored OBO player. In this review he provides his feedback on the Hi Rebound gear and his painted helmet.
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Equipment: Part 2
Last tip we made a start to covering goalkeeper equipment. We talked about what to look for, how to take care of it and specifically looked at equipment bags, kickers and leg guards. In this second part, we'll look at helmets, hand protection, body pads, pants and assorted other items.
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They’re Playing with our OBO
When you’re next watching an international field hockey match, chances are the goalies are wearing protective gear made by OBO, a Palmerston North company.
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From Humble Beginnings
While watching the 1992 Olympic hockey final held in Barcelona, Simon Barnett listened to his hockey-playing friends criticize the quality of the goal keeping equipment being used. From this, and the wish to defend his existing hockey importing business from competitors with access to foam kickers, he decided that there was an opportunity to enter … Continue reading "From Humble Beginnings"
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Carbohydrate and fluid intake by Rachel Durdin
As a goalkeeper we are wearing so much protective equipment that our body cannot effectively cool itself. I am sure you all know the feeling of coming off the playing field after a hard training or game covered in sweat. It is very important to replace the fluid we lose so that our body is adequately hydrated and can perform optimally during the next session.
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Threading Your Robo/Cloud/Yahoo/OGO Legguards
The first thing you should do is nothing! Don't even remove the old straps, because you can use them as a threader instead of having to make one yourself.
If you've already removed the old straps then you'll need to follow the steps outlined below.
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Equipment: Part 1
One of the most important parts of any keeper's game is his (or her) equipment. Good equipment, effectively used, is one of the cornerstones of goalkeeping. When a keeper chooses his equipment, he's choosing a style of play. That's an important choice. Unfortunately, that's not a choice that all keepers get to make for themselves. Many keepers are provided with kit through their clubs or schools. Other keepers are responsible for providing their own equipment. Whether you or your team is responsible for your equipment, money can be an issue. You can't spend what you don't have. Having said that, there are ways to get the most out of the kit you do have and a number of things to consider when selecting new equipment.
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Penalty Strokes
I am often asked questions like the following: Can you please send me information on strokes. I am a goal keeper and had a stroke against me on Wednesday and I missed it. I think it was probably because I didn't dive but rather reached out for it with my leg. How do I know when to dive or how, and how do I read them so that I can at least dive in the right direction. Can you also tell me how to build up my confidence on diving so that I can dive correctly.
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Penalty flicks to the right
I have been goalkeeping for 3 years now and I am 16. I now play for the Cambridge (England) fourth team. I have noticed that penalty flicks are ever increasingly going to my right. When standing in the middle of the goal it is too far to make a save with our foot and too close to dive down with my stick. Can you suggest how I might be able to save these? I am also thinking of buying some Cloud 9 kickers and legguards. Would you say it is really worth spending the extra money for Robo legguards at the men's level I am playing at?
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Saying constructive things
I'm a well respected keeper in Ireland, and need help. When you are talking at the back, what should one say, because my captain keeps saying I'm not saying constructive things, but my coach says that I'm fine.
Also, this is going to sound strange, but at the moment, I can't concentrate on the game, and aren't making the outstanding saves I used to make. I am confident, and am still willing to do anything to keep the ball out of the net, but I have tried to tell my coach about it, but all she says is that I've got too many coaches coaching me that I've got too much information. Any suggestions will be much appreciated.
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What shoes?
There is one answer I need to know. What kind of shoes should I wear?
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Should I change my technique?
I have played hockey for nine years and have played international hockey up to under 21 level. At a short corner I position myself at the usual 3 paces out from the goal line and kneel down on my right knee. This technique works brilliantly for all levels of short corner hitting I have played against. At senior club level most flicked short corners are of a mediocre standard and my current technique suffices. However, at a higher level I am concerned that my position will not allow me the time to react to a good, high and powerful flick. Should I change my technique or work on my current one until it is successful for me.
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Communicate with your coach
I was playing for a team and then I changed to a new one cause it lost all of it's life (because of the money) and in the new team, the coach is an international player who happened to be a goalie, I was very happy at first cause I thought I'd learn a lot but it's a year from that and he refuses to teach me anything by making himself as a fool so I've begged him to teach me and I don't know what to do and I'd think I can improve my skills if he does, so have you got any ideas?
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Slide tackling indoors
I have two questions, both with are a result of recent experiences indoors (I'm a great believer in the positive value of Indoor keeping).
1. Some indoor surfaces are very tacky, making sliding almost impossible, (I can usually manage about a meter on these surfaces). Do you have any suggestions on situations where you want to attack, but can not make full use of a slide? (e.g. one on ones)
2. If I don't charge a short corner for whatever reason a get in the "set" position. However I used to play in goal for a foot ball team and I can set myself too low. A number of times the ball hits the net and the words stand tall ring round my helmet; but I think there is a more fundamental problem with my technique. When a ball comes straight at me the simplest thing to do is stand tall and let it bounce off my chest plate. Instead, and this is where football comes in, I try to play the ball with stick and glove. In order to do this I shift my weight so that I fall back and then twist my torso to bring round my hands. I know I should not, but it only happens on the fastest shots that are at my shoulders, either side of the helmet, when it is a reflex action. Do you have any suggestions/drills that will help me with these shots/my technique?
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Playing with courage
I would like some help please. I am 16 and was playing for my local mens' team on Saturday and had a ball drilled into my face from 4 yards. This shook me up loads but I wasn't hurt. I then played in a national cup match on Sunday and played so badly. I was always on my line and wasn't committing to take the ball and control my D. I knew what I was doing wrong but still I didn't want to correct it. I was just wondering if you've had any experiences like this and if so what you did or if you have any advice for me?
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Turf vs grass
I am a varsity goal keeper in a high school at mass. I am a rookie goal keeper but this session I had made 13 shutouts. I was reading your articles & I noticed that its turf playing you are talking about. My high school has a wonderfully maintained grass field & all the other teams have grass fields also that I play. So I was wondering if the slide tackles or any other moves you know that would help my game on grass fields? Any information would be gratefully appreciated as I wish to play in college. Thank you very much & I love reading your articles!
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Drills for indoor
I'm writing in regards to GK drills for Indoor hockey. If you have the time would you mind forwarding some to me?
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Always stand a little over to one side
Thought you might want to add this to your penalty flicks answer - a goalkeeper passed this on to me and it works really well....always stand a little over to one side - the side you don't want the attacker to pass to! The majority of time they will pass to the other side.
This has happened every single time for me ... and I easily save the stroke on my stronger side!
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Off season training
I live in South Africa and am the 1st team keeper for Maties (University of Stellenbosch) Hockey Club and the Western Province U21 B side keeper. I only achieved this at the end of the past season. There is a great deal of competition between myself and the now 2nd team keeper and the Western Province (W.P.) U21 A keeper and I hear that there are a few more up and coming keepers coming to the club FOR next years season. As a result of my desire to stay in the 1st side as well as to get in to the W.P. U21 A side and maybe junior nationals, I would like to know what I can do in the off season to improve my performance for next year. By that I mean what sort of off-season training should I be doing?? Bearing I mind that I am in desperate need to get fit and lose some weight. I think that the biggest problem is not the training, but rather the motivation....could you help??
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Distance running
I have always incorporated distance running into my training, especially in the off-season, but recently someone told me that extensive aerobic exercise like distance running can slow down your reactions, which is not exactly a good thing if you're a keeper. I know that sprinters refrain from doing long aerobic exercise, as it slows their sprinting time. Do you know if there is any concrete evidence to support this claim?
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Front strap slips
I recently got a set of cloud 9 kickers there brilliant just the front strap keeps coming up over my runners, how do you stop it happening?
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Can I turn my left hand?
I'm a Goalkeeper that searches all the time for new skills. Can I turn my left hand in 90° when the ball comes? But only the hand, nothing more. I do this often when the players shot in the training, but I don't make this in the tournament because the referee can say that was a penalty. So can I do that?
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Quickly getting across to the right post
My daughter is a 10th grade High School varsity goalie in Nazareth, Pennsylvania, USA. When she is on the left post, what is the best way quickly get to the right post to defend a quick shot across the front of the cage for a deflect shot on the right post. She is stronger to her left and needs a better technique to get to the right faster to cover these quick shots to the right post when she is set on the left post defending stick activity there.
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What to eat or drink before a game
A have a few questions regarding goalkeeping. 1. Do you have any tips regarding what a goalkeeper should eat and drink before a hockey-game? (e.g. no sugar - lots of sugar.) 2. When I am playing an indoor game I have this little problem: When I have just made a save and standing still my heart is beating like hell and I get a bit dizzy. Are there any things to prevent this?
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Repairing kickers
I'm using white OBO pads. This is the second year of use. Both kickers are coming apart at the seems near the top. It's hard to explain, but do you have any suggestions on how to repair the foam. This is affecting how secure the boot stays on.
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Course training sessions
As a young keeper (15), even at county level the training for keepers consists of lining up players who then fire off a volley of shots from the top-D and little else. I have not got the means to pay for a professional coach and while yours and other websites offer a great deal of help in terms of exercises there are few players (or coaches) who will put aside the time to go through dedicated goalie sessions. Living in Heartfordshire (England) are there any course training sessions etc. that I could attend to help me advance my keeping? Are there people in my area that I should contact? I have been pointed towards John Hurst as the local man in the know.
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Which tape?
Which kind of tape can be best used to protect your kickers and hand protectors from wearing to fast?
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2 v 1s
I am a college goalkeeper and I did read your tips concerning 2 v 1 situations but I had a further question. When the situation is 2 v 1 (the 1 being the goalkeeper, no other defenders) in the circle, how then do you suggest to play the ball? I know that a lot of goalkeeping is situational and experimenting is necessary but again I am looking for some guidelines as to what you would suggest. I have grown up with one method and a new one is being introduced and I am trying to decide which is more sound and effective.
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Can you run out of the circle and kicker the ball?
I was just wondering if you can run out of the circle and kick the ball - as I got penalised for it last time and a penalty corner was awarded. Another thing, can a keeper be penalised for using the wrong side of his stick??? Lastly, can you give me any tips on penalty flicks please.
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How can I deal with the dazzle?
I am in my first year of goalkeeping - playing for my club and English County (Under 14s)
I played on Sunday and had a great deal of trouble from a low afternoon sun - and lost sight of the ball on one or two occasions. I wear glasses normally - but contact lenses for sport. How can I deal with the dazzle?
I did let in one or two (or three/perhaps four) goals too many - it wasn't my best performance - how do you cope with the bad days? I've had plenty of good days - feeling good about my performance and my teams', this is the first time the game went from bad to worse.
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Doing the splits
I have reached the stage in goalkeeping where I want to learn how to do the Splits. I don't have a clue how to do them and I don't want to try without some advice because I could injure myself. Can you give me some advice?
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Timing problem or the umpire?
I saw your tips page on the Obo web page and would like your views on slide tackles.
I play for Winchester H.C. in the UK. I have been playing as a club goalkeeper since 1982.
This weekend I conceded 3 penalty flicks of which I saved 2. The Umpire awarded them every time I did a slide tackle on the centre forward. As most centre forwards do near goalies, he fell over. The umpires comment was that because I was making contact with the player before the ball, I was committing an offence.
I would be interested in your comments and tips as I have not had this "problem" before. Is my timing the problem or the umpire?
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Ball pushed under you
I read your tips on slide tackling, but what do you do if the ball is pushed under you. I can never get my timing quite right and the forward pushes the ball under me as I am going down making me look a right prat. Can you help me, I would be very grateful.
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Increase kicking power
I have difficulty getting power into my kicks unless they are cross kicks. I was wondering if you have any tips of how to increase the power. I think it is a technique thing not a big lack of strength in the legs.
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Putting myself on the floor
I really enjoyed your sliding tackles tips this month. As an ageing goalie who plays at a very low level of game, I have great difficulty in putting myself on the floor. I just cannot get the technique right. What would you suggest would be a good exercise to do? Apart from having too much beer before the game, whereby naturally falling over!
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Ball machine advice
Can you please give us some advice on ball machines that are suitable for hockey goal keepers.
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Always diving to the left
One of our goal keepers dives to the left as an instinctive reaction, rather than the right. Even when logging at a short corner he will dive left.
Is this something which I should attempt to coach him out of and, if so , how.
On the positive side, he has a much higher success rate at reverse side tackling and regularly surprises centre forwards.
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How can I teach agressiveness
I was wondering if you had any drills or simply advice on how to train my keepers. They are young, freshman (college) and they have some basics. They are definitely improving but they are not very aggressive or quick...mostly not aggressive. I was a keeper myself and was a natural. They are not. How can I teach aggressiveness? Can I? Do you have any suggestions? I have tried to talk with them about the mental aspect but talk doesn't seem to be doing it. Help!
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Painiting legguards and kickers
I have to compete in the nation club champs for premier league this weekend. I have just been informed that I can't play in white pads. At IPT I had to paint my pads and they looked terrible and just about all the paint flaked off before the first game, so I had to repaint after every game. I was wondering if OBO had come up with any effective way of painting the Robo pads and kickers, if so could you share with me the details?
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Two on one situations
Could you please advise as to the "recommended" way to deal with a two on one situation, i.e. two attackers versus the goalie. 1) two attackers approaching outside the circle 2) two attackers inside the circle. This situation is nearly always difficult to defend.
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Acclimatisation training
I am a keeper at Rugby School in England. In a week's time, I am going to South Africa for a month and I was just wondering if you could advise me on a type of acclimatisation training programme I could do before I start training properly when I get back in August from South Africa.
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Covering angles on the ground
When I make an initial save from a shot and end up on the ground, I find moving for a rebound shot very difficult. What I mean by this is that shuffling around quickly to cover another angle on the ground I find very little traction, bearing in mind that I don't want to expose a path to goal underneath me when moving. What I would like to know is whether there is a technique for this, the best I can come up with is to push rather unsuccessfully with the edge of a kicker.
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Dribbling up the baseline and soft short corner hits
I enjoy reading your tips on the Obo website. I have questions about two specific topics: 1. Opponent dribbling up the baseline. If an opposing forward is dribbling the ball on the baseline and heading for the goal with speed, how should I defend? I'm assuming that I have one defender back and the forward has the option to pass to someone near the penalty flick spot. Should I try to tackle the ball carrier myself? If so, how long should I wait before going out to get him? Otherwise, if my defender is to tackle the ball carrier, how should I defend against the centring pass? 2. "Soft" short corner hits. The short corner striker (deliberately) hits the ball at medium pace. I lie down in anticipation of the direct hit. Usually if the ball is hit hard, it has enough power to be deflected safely out of bounds by either my stick or LHP. However, if is hit softly, then it just hits my stick or glove and sits near the goal just out of my reach (but maybe close enough for an opposing forward). In this situation, should I try to control the ball so that it stays closer to my body?
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I keep letting the ball go in between my legs
I'm a 17 year old keeper currently playing A reserve level in Australia. I've been playing at this level for 2 years and a couple of weeks ago played my first full A grade game. I think I've been playing reasonably well, except there is one part of my game really letting me down. I keep letting the ball go in between my legs. It used to happen a couple of times a season but this year it has happened an embarrassing amount of times. It seems to occur mostly on flicks or hard hits, and I somehow manage to get completely tangled around what used to be easy. It happened in my first A grade game from a penalty corner drag flick straight at me.
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Obstruction rule
Can you please advise on the interpretation of the obstruction rule with respect to playing marking (standing on/in front of the goal keeper) when play is intense inside the circle. Also if a player passes behind the goalkeeper and across the goal line and the keeper "steps" back onto them what would the correct decision be. On the weekend my son was playing and the umpire allowed a player to mark the goalkeeper actually pushing the keeper out of position. At the end of the game I was told there was a new rule that allowed this. I have my Queensland junior umpiring badge and umpired at the U13 Boys Queensland championships and I was not aware of this rule. Thanks for your advise in advance.
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Sticky turf
My daughter indicates that some turf in more "sticky" than others. Are there shoes to address this problem? In general is this a problem in sliding?
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Swatting the ball with the left hand
I understand that I cannot redirect the ball with my hands when the ball is in the air, but I am not sure if I can use my left hand to swat the ball away on the ground. At the camp I went this summer my coach said it was okay but I don't know if she was correct. Can you clear this topic up for me?
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Firstly I read a q&a about obstruction and having had that problem in a match where a attacker was "camping" in front of me through a whole game and after repeatedly complaining to the ump I preceded to push the attacker and when penalised with a p stroke I pointed out why I had infringed in a relaxed manner and also listened to the ump. He overturned his decision after hearing mine and my sweeper's side and gave the offending attacker a yellow card. This is not encouragement to take matters into your own hands, especially South African keepers as we tend to play a "rough" game of hockey. My question Jon is during games I can, when called on to pull off amazing saves, do so with ease. But my problem comes with my left post, all goals I concede are around this post and generally are soft, I am pretty sure that it is my positioning that is problem but I always revert my positioning back to my old one when trying to change it. Can you suggest any drills that would help to improve my positioning or to able me to cover my left post.
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Developing the stick hand
I have been involved in coaching for numerous years now, especially goalkeepers. I have had many 'keepers pass through clinics and courses, that our institute has run, and been exposed to many differing levels of ability. Over the years I have developed methods, some probably a bit obscure, for 'keeper coaching and training, but the one thing I have never been able to get right is developing the stick hand (right hand) of a 'keeper. It seems some people either have it or they don't. I hope that is not the case. The reason I am writing to you is out of frustration. I have seen many people pass through our clinics, but to this day I have not yet seen a keeper with the ability and potential as one recent keeper. She has something I have never seen before. As much as I tell her I am not sure if she believes me, so that is part of the reason I am corresponding with a proven professional as yourself. There is only one thing from holding her back. And yes you guessed it, her right hand. I have tried everything I know. I believe she could be something extraordinary with 20% improvement in stick hand. Please can you send us some extra methods and/or advise to help this kid develop into the star she can be.
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I'm a goalie for my high school and since we don't have goalie coaches we're in charge of warming ourselves up on our own. I know a few drills that we've been doing to warm-up, but I was wandering if you could tell me any others. We do things like agilities, figure eights, and drop stepping near the net, but they get old and repetitive. If you know any others that would be great.
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Any words of wisdom?
Well, school just got out so that would make me an upcoming sophomore. I have loved field hockey ever since we learned how to play it in gym in the sixth grade. So I signed up for try-outs the summer before my freshman year and before I knew it, I was the starting JV goalie. I loved every minute of it. Eventually the coach advised the other goalie on JV to think about playing the field, since she was not receiving much playing time, making me the only goalie left besides the senior Varsity goalie. It didn't even dawn on me until two weeks before the season ended that I would be the Varsity goalie next fall. That thought scared me to death. The Varsity goalie this year was "elected" the Western-Mass goalie. I have no idea how I'm supposed to follow up someone like that. Plus, to make matters worse, during the last week of the season, the Varsity coach asked me to practice with them so that if they needed me in the finals I'd be there. It was then that I realised that all my friends were on JV, and not to be pessimistic, but it's very unlikely that they will make the team next year. I feel as if I just won't belong with the rest of them. I would never quit because I love the sport too much and I wouldn't leave the team without an experienced goalie. Any words of wisdom?
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Good goalie drills
I really enjoy your tips on the OBO website. I am coaching for the first time this year and was wondering if you might have some good goalie drills? I have some pretty basic ones down so far, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. Out of three of us that are coaching, none were goalkeepers, so any help you might be able to offer would be much appreciated.
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Drills for warming up
Wondering if you have any drills for warming up goalies and training drills that involves the goalies.
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Drills to impress my coach
I am a high school hockey goalie and I want to impress the new coach with some drills. I would really like to improve my skill level, but I am tired of the same old jab and punching drills. If it isn't too inconvenient, could you please send me some good ideas.
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The instep method
I have begun to teach the instep method. The biggest problem I am seeing with my goalie is that a direct shot is coming at her and she misses the ball on her instep and it ends up going between her legs. It almost looks like her leg is going too far. Do you have any advice?
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Maintaining concentration
Can you recommend any ways of maintaining the high level of concentration required in a game? Often a keeper can be called upon to only make one save in a game, but if you fail to save it, it can cost you dearly. Are there any training methods to improve your level of concentration, so you are ' in the zone' when called upon to make that all-important stop?
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The mental aspect of being a goalie
I have a question about the mental aspect of being a goalie. I am a very competitive player who takes my game seriously. I get myself really psyched up, and sometimes this is a bad thing because after letting a ball in I get mad at myself and basically psych myself out. I let it affect my play too much. I must admit I have a bad mentality for a goalie - in all the other sports I play, I play offence, so this is much different for me. Anywise, I let myself be affected too much by the score. My coach has talked to me about this and I need to improve in this area, especially if I want to be the starter! This even happens in practice. I was wondering if you have any ideas on how I can improve my mentality. What do you personally do to keep yourself in focused during the game? Also, I recently read an article in Sports Illustrated for Women about game preparedness and visualisation and relaxation, that sort of thing. What do you do recommend to do before games so, instead of psyching myself out too much, I can concentrate on my play and stay focused? Thanks so much!
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Getting the ball in play on a 16 yard hit
Could you please reference the rule regarding keepers getting the ball in play on a 16 yard hit? Is it illegal to kick the ball to get it in play? I have always encouraged my players to get the ball rolling and take quick free hits in order to take advantage of gaps in the defence and improve our transition game. I have asked my keeper to do the same...get the ball rolling and take the 16 yard free when she has the opportunity. As long as she is in the circle, is she allowed to use her kicker to do so?
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Broken toenails and swollen feet
I am a young goalkeeper and I play at a very skilful club with many international players but when we do shooting drills I always go home with broken toenails and swollen feet.
There is another goalkeeper in my club who has just recently bought Robo legguards, kickers and hand protectors and he does not seem to be affected by it. Is there any way of preventing my feet getting bruised or do I have to go out and buy Robo legguards and kickers.
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I can’t stop the ball from being dragged around me
I've contacted you once before about a training programme. I have now worked one out with 3 of my forwards. I'm now an average goalie and I'm rising in skill level. After training with Helen Clarke the New Zealand Womens' goalie I've gained more skills being able to stop almost anything hit, flicked or pushed at me. One skill is still sitting in the back... its my sliding, I'm reasonably good at it now but now forwards are learning that they can pull the ball around me.... What can I do now that the other teams in our grade have found out my weakness. I must improve on it. I've read all the tips you and Rachel have put on the OBO site but nothing seems to be working.....Do you have any idea to what I can do??? I have everything I need, I've got the speed, timing and reflexes but I still can't stop the ball from being dragged around me.
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Marking the goalkeeper
Email to the FIH: Can you please provide assistance on the following: What is the correct interpretation of a player marking the goalkeeper (standing very close and in front of) that is not in possession of the ball. As an example: A player is standing in front of the goalkeeper (standing very close and in front of) and the ball is passed to this person. My guess is using the obstruction rule and award the free hit to the defenders. But until the person receives the ball there is no offence, true? The problem as I see it (I'm an umpire, coach and goalkeeper) if the goalkeeper attempts to play the ball there is the risk of taking the player out and the goalkeeper would be penalised because he would contact the players feet and stick first before playing the ball. Also the goalkeepers vision is severely reduced because of the player in front of him prevents a legitimate tackle, as well as this the player in front is causing a situation that could lead to dangerous play by not allowing the goalkeeper to play the ball. The reason I ask this is that on the weekend my son (11 year old) was subjected to being closely marked by an attacker and the umpire responded at the end of the game that there was a new rule this year that allowed this to happen. I was playing goalkeeper when the offside rule was abolished and for a while this style of play ("Marking the goalkeeper") was the norm. These days it does not seem to be the norm, players respect the goalkeepers "space". It is worrying that young children are being coached to "mark" the goalkeeper as I myself will attempt to clear the ball no matter who is in my way (keeping within the rules) and coaches maybe failing in their duty of care, that is exposing players to an unnecessary risk. Please provide guidance on this matter, as the guidance notes for 2001-2002 are no very clear, at least to me.
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Body armour too stiff
My name is James Mizzi, I am 29 and live in Malta. (A very small island in the Mediterranean) I was actually born in Australia where my parents lived for more than 10 years. However, as both of them are Maltese, they decided to return to Malta when I was only 6 months old.
I've been playing hockey here as a keeper for the past 17 years. The last 7 of which, I played for my Club's first team i.e. Young Stars.
I have all your tips so far and also those previously compiled by Rachel. I find them to be of great help to me especially because due to our limited facilities, I have never had any goalkeeping coaching. Thus, I find it very useful to go through your tips every so often. In fact, last year I started coaching my Club's junior goal keepers and its seems to be going very good so far.
I have two questions for you if you don't mind...
1. All my equipment is from the OBO range (except for the protective pants which I will probably be purchasing very shortly) and am extremely satisfied with both the material and protection they provide. Well done! However, about two months ago, I bought the OBO body armour and can't quite yet get use to the elbow part of it. Is it suppose to be so stiff at the elbow? There is a rectangular part which is worn on the outer elbow and I'm finding that to be limiting my hand movements. Is there any way that I could maybe make this part more flexible?
2. Can you suggest any additional material that I can purchase to help me with coaching goalkeepers or do you know of any goalkeepers camps anywhere in Europe where maybe I can attend to help me both in my play and in coaching?
Thanks again for your tips and I look forward with interest for your reply.
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Using the left hand on the ground
I have a question about using my left hand while on the ground. Recently in a game the ball got behind me. I saved it with my left hand right on the left post. I dragged it out with my left hand without thinking. The ref called a stroke (which I saved thankfully). Now I know that he was right to call a stroke, but what is the purpose of this rule: that you can't use your left hand to push (or pull) the ball away from the goal. I can understand that you can't push it when in the air because it's dangerous but on the ground I don't see the reason why. Can you tell me why they have this rule?
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Changing equipment colour
Its Paul Williams from England here and I was wondering if you can help me as I was wondering whether there is anything I can do to make my orange robo legguards and kickers black without losing any of their rebound properties. Thanks
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Tips for shorter keepers
I am a 16 year old goalkeeper in England and want to progress to playing National League hockey with my club. My problem is that I am only 1.73 metres tall and am probably not going to grow a huge amount more. I have done a lot of work on my speed and agility using the SAQ training method. I was wondering if you had any views or general tips for shorter keepers, particularly anything to do with increasing flexibility, in order to reach those shots struck in to the corners. Any feedback would be great.
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Save and clear technique
My last set of kit I put together myself, TK pads and Mercian kickers. With this combination I found the save and clear technique when lying down very easy. Now I have my new Robo kit I find that the same technique is not so effective. I have been using the lower leg to sweep with what technique would you recommend?
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Training tips
The last time I visited this site it was green and you had some tips on training regimes and in particular suggestions for solo training. Where can I find this info?
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Field hockey in the US
Hi; I saw your pages on the Obo site and being a fellow Yank and in the midwest near St. Louis, I had to inquire about field hockey. All the knowledge I have with it is that it's more a womens game. Where do you play and where would I be able to find mens matches to watch? Is there any video that you might be able to give me that shows you in action? I'm real curious as your site pictures (if that's you keeping goal) made me want to see more. Do you use the gear made for field or do you wear hockey gear? As I said, I'm curious and any insights would be most appreciated.
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Training on your own
We receive a lot of questions about training on your own and training programs. I will always refer people to check the other information on this web site. Rachel and I both have covered a variety of issues on the topic. In addition, the subject is also covered in the previous Q&A section of the website. Having said all that, let's talk about it some more.
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When to Use Your Stick
There are certain situations in a game where it is both appropriate and inappropriate to use your stick. In this tips section I will be highlighting four major issues you need to consider in relation to stick use: Why use your stick? Why not to use your stick? When to use your stick How to … Continue reading "When to Use Your Stick"
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What Makes a Good Keeper?
There are many different goalkeepers playing all over the world. Some of them will hold at least one of these traits, if not all. The traits that I perceive to contribute to making a good goalkeeper may not be totally the same as what you would believe.
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Reflex Training
One of the most important aspects of goal keeping is using your reflexes. Many great match winning saves are made simply using your reflexes. There are many different ways that you can improve on your reflexes which are included below.
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Aerial Saves
For many goalkeepers saves with the hand or stick seem more satisfying than any others. Whether this is because the crowd likes it more, or just the simple fact that they seem more spectacular or harder to execute...who knows? In this tips section I will endeavour to give you some simple advice and suggestions of how to make those saves being simple or tremendously difficult.
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Training Drills
After numerous questions over the last month I have decided to do a section on training drills. Training a goalkeeper or being a goalkeeper can sometimes be challenging to think of new drills to do at training so I am going to try to assist you.
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Setting Your Defence
In each defending situation each player has a general role, depending on the coach or the team, they might have a specific role for a specific game. Defensive systems are set up as a guide only.
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Off Season Training
Please note that I am not a qualified expert in this area and all that I have written is on my own previous experiences. Many people play all year round both indoor and outdoor, but for some that don't play all year round there is a time out period generally called the off season.
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Goalies at Practice
As many of us know, training with the whole team can sometimes be a little tedious, especially when the coach does not include the goalkeeper in the sessions to the best of their ability. We have all been through sessions when all that is done is goal shooting. Don't get me wrong this is a good thing to do but it has a time and a place just like everything else.
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Big Game Preparation
Everyone at one stage in their hockey career has to prepare for a big game, whether it be Club Final, Olympic Final, Team Selection Trial... or just a game that is important to you and your team.
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Tackling and Interceptions
With hockey now being in a transition period with experimental rule changes, we as goalkeepers must also make the transition back to being very attacking in certain circumstances. As the years have passed and goalkeeping gear has dramatically improved, some goalkeepers have lent away from being attacking and preferred to stay back on their line to try and make the save.
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Penalty Corners
The defence of a Penalty Corner can never be taken too seriously. The focus that a Goal Keeper (and every defending player) must have during a Penalty Corner is extremely great.
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Penalty Strokes
When the umpires whistle blows and their arms go in different directions most goal keepers cringe with the thought of having to save a penalty stroke. Usually because we all know the umpire is wrong. But no matter how much we complain it is a fact of life that the umpire always thinks they are right and will not reverse their decision. "Bring on the third umpire" are thoughts that often go through my head.
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One on Ones
The skill of taking on an attacker one on one is not an easy skill to master. There are a number of things that a goalkeeper can do to make this easier for them to be successful in these contests.
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Attacking Clearances
Playing goalkeeper should not mean standing on the goal line and hoping to save the ball that is fired at you. I believe that you really have to go out and get the ball. The role of the goalkeeper is not only to save the ball, but to set up the play for your team in an attacking manner. With no offside you will find that loose balls into the circle occur more often in a game, thus giving the goalkeeper greater opportunities to be involved in the play.
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Penalty Corner Defense: Logging
We get a lot of questions about penalty corners, especially lying down on corners. Laying down, or logging, is only one technique that a keeper can apply in the context of his, or her, team's penalty corner defence. No one technique, or type of defence, will be successful against every corner attack. This month's tip focuses on some concepts of penalty corner defence and specifically one technique for logging.
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Basic Positions: Angles
The concept of angles builds on most effectively using your ready stance to position yourself between the shooter and the goal. In the one ball, one shooter world that can be a pretty simple concept. Throw in variables like your size, your reaction time, passing options and players in the way, and things get complicated. Complicated doesn't mean impossible, a keeper just needs to take these things into consideration and put them to use.
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Basic Postions: A Ready Postion
Before a keeper can make a save, he's got to be in a place where he can even attempt to make a save. That is the crux of basic positioning. A goalkeeper's primary responsibility revolves around keeping a ball out of the goal. Take a good look at that goal, the one that is seven foot by twelve foot, 84 square feet. Throw in the fact that object to be stopped is a little more than seven inches in circumference and weighs about eight ounces and that the object in question can travel more than 100 miles an hour... a quick show of hands... who thinks this is going to be an easy position? Nobody ever said it was going to be easy, but good basic positioning can make goalkeeping an easier position.
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Young Goalies
One of the most important factors in the development of a goalkeeper is getting good, basic instruction early. Too many times, the first specialised instruction a keeper receives is after he/she has been identified as an elite keeper.
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Aerial Balls
As goalkeeping continues to be reinvented, the most recent changes have come in the aerial ball. Today's keeper sees more hard, lifted shots from different angles than ever before. Fortunately, he is better equipped and has new tools and skills for meeting the task. No offsides, drag flicks and reverse stick chips have increased the number of chances above the waist that a keeper has to defend. Upper body pads and hand protectors now give him effective protection to make those plays.
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Training Programs
Last tip we talked a little about off-season conditioning and training. Since that time, I've gotten a lot of questions about specifics for a training program. They range from sprint workouts, to length of program to types of agility drills. First off, there is no perfect one size fits all training program for every keeper.
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Off Season Training
To borrow a line from Shakespeare, "Now is the Winter of our discontent." For keepers in the Northern Hemisphere, Winter means snow, sleet and a break from outdoor hockey. For those in Southern Hemisphere, Summer and the heat provide the break. Wherever you are and whatever the time of year, at some point you're going to have a break in your hockey season (my source of discontent). As the holidays approach, I've received a lot of questions about off-season training programs and activities.
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Slide Tackling
There have been a lot of questions about what to do in situations where a keeper is faced with a forward bearing down on him or her alone. Most centre around what the keeper should do. There isn't a text book answer that says, "If the forward enters the circle with a five yard gap between him and his defender, at a 45' angle to the goal and the ball on his front stick, the keeper extends his body in a prone position to his strong stick side at a rate of speed of 15 mph, bisecting the path of the ball at his midsection." That's certainly one way of handling the situation, but the fact of the matter is there isn't any one way to play any one situation, especially one on ones with the keeper and a forward.
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There is no more essential skill to a keeper in the game of hockey, than kicking. Just as a field player must have stick skills, a keeper must have kicking skills. The importance of this most basic of skills is often overlooked. People tend to think all a keeper need do is worry about saving the ball. A keeper can make all the saves in the world in a game, but if he can't clear the ball, he almost assures himself of allowing goals.
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No matter how talented a carpenter is, with bad tools he'll be hard pressed to produce a good product. The same holds true for a keeper. A good keeper with bad pads has a hard job, made harder.
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Kicking Drills
When you're working on skills, it's important that you isolate them so that you can evaluate technique and success. Skill work is different than situation work. When I work with keepers in situation drills, there are a number of skills they can use in a situation and be successful. When we work on skills, we're focusing on specific form and results. Any time you work on skills, there are a couple of things to keep in mind.
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