Legguard straps slipping loose
I've encountered a bit of an issue with my leg guards lately--the straps slip loose a little bit
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Skinny or fatboy?
I am buying a new goalie stick, I wondered what you thought was better out of the fatboy and skinny?
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Wondering what the best set of OBO pants to buy is?
Is it the Robo Bored Shorts? Or the Robo Hot Pants?
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Can I paint my OBO helmet?
The helmet you have has a clear coat of lacquer which will need to be stripped before you paint....
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Can I paint my poly p helmet?
Question: I would like to know if I could paint my OBO Poly P helmet, and if so, what kind of paint is the most recommended? Answer: As the Poly P helmet is plastic, it’s a little bit easier to paint than some of the fiberglass masks. Most of the Poly helmets already have the … Continue reading "Can I paint my poly p helmet?"
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What’s the difference between hi rebound and hi control?
Question: I am planning on ordering new kickers (I’m currently using the obo robo high control), and was wondering the difference between the high rebound and high control. Answer: As the name suggests the High Rebound offer a more significant rebound effect to the kicker. The foam compresses and expands resulting in high paced clears … Continue reading "What’s the difference between hi rebound and hi control?"
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Technique in delaying/blocking breakaway player
Question: What is the best method of countering an attacker who intercepted in mid field and is heading straight for the centre of the D? Answer: I’m assuming you’re talking about counter attack breakaways from your question. A lot of this comes down to decision making and the skills associated with playing big slide tackling … Continue reading "Technique in delaying/blocking breakaway player"
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What glue to use
Question: My obo robo kickers are coming apart, could you please tell me what glue to use? The Velcro attaching the forehead cushion pad to to the inside of my helmet, what glue is best for this? Finally, the wrist protector on my left robo glove has come detached from the inside of the glove, … Continue reading "What glue to use"
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Question: Is the keeper allowed to kick the ball off an opposing player’s stick (kicker-stick contact)? Is the keeper allowed to hit the ball off another player’s stick with his/her goalie stick? Answer: Any contact by a keeper, whether kicker or stick must be to the ball first. If after contacting the ball, the keeper’s … Continue reading "Contact"
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Does kit colour make a difference?
Question: Does the colour of a goalie’s kit make a difference to the opposition. i.e. does the striker get distracted by bright colours? Answer: The studies I’m aware of in regards to colour have been done with football and ice hockey. There are two different schools of thought, one is to blend in and the … Continue reading "Does kit colour make a difference?"
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What kit to buy
Question: I’ve been playing the position goalie since I was eight. In 2005 my parents managed to buy me the OBO Cloud 9 Goal keeper kit. I’m currently playing club hockey and have represented my Province as well as Zimbabwe Schools Hockey a number of times and played for the Zimbabwe U21 National Team. I’m … Continue reading "What kit to buy"
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Question: I’ve been playing for three years and all my skills have developed, all but my communication. Every team I play for has said that they look for a keeper with strong communication skills and I feel that if I can improve my communication I’ll improve my shot of making the teams I tryout for. … Continue reading "Communication"
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Decision Making
Question: Hello, can you tell me what should I do, when the attacker is coming closer to goal and I come out but he shoot in this time before the 1-1 is there? Greetings Alex Answer: Hi Alex, your question is a tricky one and a lot will depend on where the breakdown you’re describing … Continue reading "Decision Making"
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What should I use to clean the inside of my mask?
Question: I was wondering if you could tell me what I should use to clean the inside of my OBO mask… Answer: What you use to clean your mask will depend on how dirty it’s gotten. If you’re cleaning it fairly regularly you can wash and rinse with warm water and an anti-bacterial soap. If … Continue reading "What should I use to clean the inside of my mask?"
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How does the difference of the indoor game affect the keeper?
Question: My name is Josh and I’m not sure if you remember me but you were a coach of mine. I was a keeper in on the U-20 team in ’99 when Shiv cialis buy canada carried 5 keepers (I think it was 5). I had been an alternate on the U-16 the year before. … Continue reading "How does the difference of the indoor game affect the keeper?"
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Recommended use, hot pants, groin guard
Question: I play for club and school in Australia and I train with a division one team on the side. Last week during division one training I was hit in the belly of my kicker last years Yahoo and it kind of hurt. I was fine at the time and I continued to train. Afterwards … Continue reading "Recommended use, hot pants, groin guard"
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Stick Choice
Question: Hi Jon, Hope all is going well for you. Tom’s hockey is continuing to go well – he is now 19 and studying Actuarial Science at the University of Cape Town and playing in their 2nd side. Both 1st & 2nd sides play in the Grand Challenge league, which is probably the strongest league … Continue reading "Stick Choice"
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What glue?
Question: My son is a hockey goalkeeper and owns a Robo hockey helmet. We purchased this fantastic helmet about a year ago. The only, ongoing problem we have is that everytime he removes the sweatband from inside the helmet, the piece of velcro which holds the sweatband in the helmet comes loose. We have tried … Continue reading "What glue?"
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Robo HI CONTROL hand protectors
I am a goalkeeper playing in South Africa and am looking to upgrade my Cloud 9 hand protectors as they aren't standing up to my current level of hockey. One of my concerns with the RHP is that it tends to fold in on itself when saving faster shots either logging or in the air and has trapped myfingers between the stick face and inner surface of the hand protector. Is this a problem with the Robo hi-control protector?
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Penalty flicks to the right
I have been goalkeeping for 3 years now and I am 16. I now play for the Cambridge (England) fourth team. I have noticed that penalty flicks are ever increasingly going to my right. When standing in the middle of the goal it is too far to make a save with our foot and too close to dive down with my stick. Can you suggest how I might be able to save these? I am also thinking of buying some Cloud 9 kickers and legguards. Would you say it is really worth spending the extra money for Robo legguards at the men's level I am playing at?
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Saying constructive things
I'm a well respected keeper in Ireland, and need help. When you are talking at the back, what should one say, because my captain keeps saying I'm not saying constructive things, but my coach says that I'm fine.
Also, this is going to sound strange, but at the moment, I can't concentrate on the game, and aren't making the outstanding saves I used to make. I am confident, and am still willing to do anything to keep the ball out of the net, but I have tried to tell my coach about it, but all she says is that I've got too many coaches coaching me that I've got too much information. Any suggestions will be much appreciated.
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What shoes?
There is one answer I need to know. What kind of shoes should I wear?
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Should I change my technique?
I have played hockey for nine years and have played international hockey up to under 21 level. At a short corner I position myself at the usual 3 paces out from the goal line and kneel down on my right knee. This technique works brilliantly for all levels of short corner hitting I have played against. At senior club level most flicked short corners are of a mediocre standard and my current technique suffices. However, at a higher level I am concerned that my position will not allow me the time to react to a good, high and powerful flick. Should I change my technique or work on my current one until it is successful for me.
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Communicate with your coach
I was playing for a team and then I changed to a new one cause it lost all of it's life (because of the money) and in the new team, the coach is an international player who happened to be a goalie, I was very happy at first cause I thought I'd learn a lot but it's a year from that and he refuses to teach me anything by making himself as a fool so I've begged him to teach me and I don't know what to do and I'd think I can improve my skills if he does, so have you got any ideas?
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Slide tackling indoors
I have two questions, both with are a result of recent experiences indoors (I'm a great believer in the positive value of Indoor keeping).
1. Some indoor surfaces are very tacky, making sliding almost impossible, (I can usually manage about a meter on these surfaces). Do you have any suggestions on situations where you want to attack, but can not make full use of a slide? (e.g. one on ones)
2. If I don't charge a short corner for whatever reason a get in the "set" position. However I used to play in goal for a foot ball team and I can set myself too low. A number of times the ball hits the net and the words stand tall ring round my helmet; but I think there is a more fundamental problem with my technique. When a ball comes straight at me the simplest thing to do is stand tall and let it bounce off my chest plate. Instead, and this is where football comes in, I try to play the ball with stick and glove. In order to do this I shift my weight so that I fall back and then twist my torso to bring round my hands. I know I should not, but it only happens on the fastest shots that are at my shoulders, either side of the helmet, when it is a reflex action. Do you have any suggestions/drills that will help me with these shots/my technique?
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Playing with courage
I would like some help please. I am 16 and was playing for my local mens' team on Saturday and had a ball drilled into my face from 4 yards. This shook me up loads but I wasn't hurt. I then played in a national cup match on Sunday and played so badly. I was always on my line and wasn't committing to take the ball and control my D. I knew what I was doing wrong but still I didn't want to correct it. I was just wondering if you've had any experiences like this and if so what you did or if you have any advice for me?
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Turf vs grass
I am a varsity goal keeper in a high school at mass. I am a rookie goal keeper but this session I had made 13 shutouts. I was reading your articles & I noticed that its turf playing you are talking about. My high school has a wonderfully maintained grass field & all the other teams have grass fields also that I play. So I was wondering if the slide tackles or any other moves you know that would help my game on grass fields? Any information would be gratefully appreciated as I wish to play in college. Thank you very much & I love reading your articles!
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Drills for indoor
I'm writing in regards to GK drills for Indoor hockey. If you have the time would you mind forwarding some to me?
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Always stand a little over to one side
Thought you might want to add this to your penalty flicks answer - a goalkeeper passed this on to me and it works really well....always stand a little over to one side - the side you don't want the attacker to pass to! The majority of time they will pass to the other side.
This has happened every single time for me ... and I easily save the stroke on my stronger side!
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Off season training
I live in South Africa and am the 1st team keeper for Maties (University of Stellenbosch) Hockey Club and the Western Province U21 B side keeper. I only achieved this at the end of the past season. There is a great deal of competition between myself and the now 2nd team keeper and the Western Province (W.P.) U21 A keeper and I hear that there are a few more up and coming keepers coming to the club FOR next years season. As a result of my desire to stay in the 1st side as well as to get in to the W.P. U21 A side and maybe junior nationals, I would like to know what I can do in the off season to improve my performance for next year. By that I mean what sort of off-season training should I be doing?? Bearing I mind that I am in desperate need to get fit and lose some weight. I think that the biggest problem is not the training, but rather the motivation....could you help??
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Distance running
I have always incorporated distance running into my training, especially in the off-season, but recently someone told me that extensive aerobic exercise like distance running can slow down your reactions, which is not exactly a good thing if you're a keeper. I know that sprinters refrain from doing long aerobic exercise, as it slows their sprinting time. Do you know if there is any concrete evidence to support this claim?
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Front strap slips
I recently got a set of cloud 9 kickers there brilliant just the front strap keeps coming up over my runners, how do you stop it happening?
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Can I turn my left hand?
I'm a Goalkeeper that searches all the time for new skills. Can I turn my left hand in 90° when the ball comes? But only the hand, nothing more. I do this often when the players shot in the training, but I don't make this in the tournament because the referee can say that was a penalty. So can I do that?
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Quickly getting across to the right post
My daughter is a 10th grade High School varsity goalie in Nazareth, Pennsylvania, USA. When she is on the left post, what is the best way quickly get to the right post to defend a quick shot across the front of the cage for a deflect shot on the right post. She is stronger to her left and needs a better technique to get to the right faster to cover these quick shots to the right post when she is set on the left post defending stick activity there.
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What to eat or drink before a game
A have a few questions regarding goalkeeping. 1. Do you have any tips regarding what a goalkeeper should eat and drink before a hockey-game? (e.g. no sugar - lots of sugar.) 2. When I am playing an indoor game I have this little problem: When I have just made a save and standing still my heart is beating like hell and I get a bit dizzy. Are there any things to prevent this?
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Repairing kickers
I'm using white OBO pads. This is the second year of use. Both kickers are coming apart at the seems near the top. It's hard to explain, but do you have any suggestions on how to repair the foam. This is affecting how secure the boot stays on.
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Course training sessions
As a young keeper (15), even at county level the training for keepers consists of lining up players who then fire off a volley of shots from the top-D and little else. I have not got the means to pay for a professional coach and while yours and other websites offer a great deal of help in terms of exercises there are few players (or coaches) who will put aside the time to go through dedicated goalie sessions. Living in Heartfordshire (England) are there any course training sessions etc. that I could attend to help me advance my keeping? Are there people in my area that I should contact? I have been pointed towards John Hurst as the local man in the know.
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Which tape?
Which kind of tape can be best used to protect your kickers and hand protectors from wearing to fast?
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2 v 1s
I am a college goalkeeper and I did read your tips concerning 2 v 1 situations but I had a further question. When the situation is 2 v 1 (the 1 being the goalkeeper, no other defenders) in the circle, how then do you suggest to play the ball? I know that a lot of goalkeeping is situational and experimenting is necessary but again I am looking for some guidelines as to what you would suggest. I have grown up with one method and a new one is being introduced and I am trying to decide which is more sound and effective.
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Can you run out of the circle and kicker the ball?
I was just wondering if you can run out of the circle and kick the ball - as I got penalised for it last time and a penalty corner was awarded. Another thing, can a keeper be penalised for using the wrong side of his stick??? Lastly, can you give me any tips on penalty flicks please.
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How can I deal with the dazzle?
I am in my first year of goalkeeping - playing for my club and English County (Under 14s)
I played on Sunday and had a great deal of trouble from a low afternoon sun - and lost sight of the ball on one or two occasions. I wear glasses normally - but contact lenses for sport. How can I deal with the dazzle?
I did let in one or two (or three/perhaps four) goals too many - it wasn't my best performance - how do you cope with the bad days? I've had plenty of good days - feeling good about my performance and my teams', this is the first time the game went from bad to worse.
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Doing the splits
I have reached the stage in goalkeeping where I want to learn how to do the Splits. I don't have a clue how to do them and I don't want to try without some advice because I could injure myself. Can you give me some advice?
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Timing problem or the umpire?
I saw your tips page on the Obo web page and would like your views on slide tackles.
I play for Winchester H.C. in the UK. I have been playing as a club goalkeeper since 1982.
This weekend I conceded 3 penalty flicks of which I saved 2. The Umpire awarded them every time I did a slide tackle on the centre forward. As most centre forwards do near goalies, he fell over. The umpires comment was that because I was making contact with the player before the ball, I was committing an offence.
I would be interested in your comments and tips as I have not had this "problem" before. Is my timing the problem or the umpire?
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Ball pushed under you
I read your tips on slide tackling, but what do you do if the ball is pushed under you. I can never get my timing quite right and the forward pushes the ball under me as I am going down making me look a right prat. Can you help me, I would be very grateful.
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Increase kicking power
I have difficulty getting power into my kicks unless they are cross kicks. I was wondering if you have any tips of how to increase the power. I think it is a technique thing not a big lack of strength in the legs.
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Putting myself on the floor
I really enjoyed your sliding tackles tips this month. As an ageing goalie who plays at a very low level of game, I have great difficulty in putting myself on the floor. I just cannot get the technique right. What would you suggest would be a good exercise to do? Apart from having too much beer before the game, whereby naturally falling over!
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Ball machine advice
Can you please give us some advice on ball machines that are suitable for hockey goal keepers.
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Always diving to the left
One of our goal keepers dives to the left as an instinctive reaction, rather than the right. Even when logging at a short corner he will dive left.
Is this something which I should attempt to coach him out of and, if so , how.
On the positive side, he has a much higher success rate at reverse side tackling and regularly surprises centre forwards.
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How can I teach agressiveness
I was wondering if you had any drills or simply advice on how to train my keepers. They are young, freshman (college) and they have some basics. They are definitely improving but they are not very aggressive or quick...mostly not aggressive. I was a keeper myself and was a natural. They are not. How can I teach aggressiveness? Can I? Do you have any suggestions? I have tried to talk with them about the mental aspect but talk doesn't seem to be doing it. Help!
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Painiting legguards and kickers
I have to compete in the nation club champs for premier league this weekend. I have just been informed that I can't play in white pads. At IPT I had to paint my pads and they looked terrible and just about all the paint flaked off before the first game, so I had to repaint after every game. I was wondering if OBO had come up with any effective way of painting the Robo pads and kickers, if so could you share with me the details?
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Two on one situations
Could you please advise as to the "recommended" way to deal with a two on one situation, i.e. two attackers versus the goalie. 1) two attackers approaching outside the circle 2) two attackers inside the circle. This situation is nearly always difficult to defend.
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Acclimatisation training
I am a keeper at Rugby School in England. In a week's time, I am going to South Africa for a month and I was just wondering if you could advise me on a type of acclimatisation training programme I could do before I start training properly when I get back in August from South Africa.
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Covering angles on the ground
When I make an initial save from a shot and end up on the ground, I find moving for a rebound shot very difficult. What I mean by this is that shuffling around quickly to cover another angle on the ground I find very little traction, bearing in mind that I don't want to expose a path to goal underneath me when moving. What I would like to know is whether there is a technique for this, the best I can come up with is to push rather unsuccessfully with the edge of a kicker.
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Dribbling up the baseline and soft short corner hits
I enjoy reading your tips on the Obo website. I have questions about two specific topics: 1. Opponent dribbling up the baseline. If an opposing forward is dribbling the ball on the baseline and heading for the goal with speed, how should I defend? I'm assuming that I have one defender back and the forward has the option to pass to someone near the penalty flick spot. Should I try to tackle the ball carrier myself? If so, how long should I wait before going out to get him? Otherwise, if my defender is to tackle the ball carrier, how should I defend against the centring pass? 2. "Soft" short corner hits. The short corner striker (deliberately) hits the ball at medium pace. I lie down in anticipation of the direct hit. Usually if the ball is hit hard, it has enough power to be deflected safely out of bounds by either my stick or LHP. However, if is hit softly, then it just hits my stick or glove and sits near the goal just out of my reach (but maybe close enough for an opposing forward). In this situation, should I try to control the ball so that it stays closer to my body?
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I keep letting the ball go in between my legs
I'm a 17 year old keeper currently playing A reserve level in Australia. I've been playing at this level for 2 years and a couple of weeks ago played my first full A grade game. I think I've been playing reasonably well, except there is one part of my game really letting me down. I keep letting the ball go in between my legs. It used to happen a couple of times a season but this year it has happened an embarrassing amount of times. It seems to occur mostly on flicks or hard hits, and I somehow manage to get completely tangled around what used to be easy. It happened in my first A grade game from a penalty corner drag flick straight at me.
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Obstruction rule
Can you please advise on the interpretation of the obstruction rule with respect to playing marking (standing on/in front of the goal keeper) when play is intense inside the circle. Also if a player passes behind the goalkeeper and across the goal line and the keeper "steps" back onto them what would the correct decision be. On the weekend my son was playing and the umpire allowed a player to mark the goalkeeper actually pushing the keeper out of position. At the end of the game I was told there was a new rule that allowed this. I have my Queensland junior umpiring badge and umpired at the U13 Boys Queensland championships and I was not aware of this rule. Thanks for your advise in advance.
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Sticky turf
My daughter indicates that some turf in more "sticky" than others. Are there shoes to address this problem? In general is this a problem in sliding?
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Swatting the ball with the left hand
I understand that I cannot redirect the ball with my hands when the ball is in the air, but I am not sure if I can use my left hand to swat the ball away on the ground. At the camp I went this summer my coach said it was okay but I don't know if she was correct. Can you clear this topic up for me?
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Firstly I read a q&a about obstruction and having had that problem in a match where a attacker was "camping" in front of me through a whole game and after repeatedly complaining to the ump I preceded to push the attacker and when penalised with a p stroke I pointed out why I had infringed in a relaxed manner and also listened to the ump. He overturned his decision after hearing mine and my sweeper's side and gave the offending attacker a yellow card. This is not encouragement to take matters into your own hands, especially South African keepers as we tend to play a "rough" game of hockey. My question Jon is during games I can, when called on to pull off amazing saves, do so with ease. But my problem comes with my left post, all goals I concede are around this post and generally are soft, I am pretty sure that it is my positioning that is problem but I always revert my positioning back to my old one when trying to change it. Can you suggest any drills that would help to improve my positioning or to able me to cover my left post.
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Developing the stick hand
I have been involved in coaching for numerous years now, especially goalkeepers. I have had many 'keepers pass through clinics and courses, that our institute has run, and been exposed to many differing levels of ability. Over the years I have developed methods, some probably a bit obscure, for 'keeper coaching and training, but the one thing I have never been able to get right is developing the stick hand (right hand) of a 'keeper. It seems some people either have it or they don't. I hope that is not the case. The reason I am writing to you is out of frustration. I have seen many people pass through our clinics, but to this day I have not yet seen a keeper with the ability and potential as one recent keeper. She has something I have never seen before. As much as I tell her I am not sure if she believes me, so that is part of the reason I am corresponding with a proven professional as yourself. There is only one thing from holding her back. And yes you guessed it, her right hand. I have tried everything I know. I believe she could be something extraordinary with 20% improvement in stick hand. Please can you send us some extra methods and/or advise to help this kid develop into the star she can be.
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I'm a goalie for my high school and since we don't have goalie coaches we're in charge of warming ourselves up on our own. I know a few drills that we've been doing to warm-up, but I was wandering if you could tell me any others. We do things like agilities, figure eights, and drop stepping near the net, but they get old and repetitive. If you know any others that would be great.
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Any words of wisdom?
Well, school just got out so that would make me an upcoming sophomore. I have loved field hockey ever since we learned how to play it in gym in the sixth grade. So I signed up for try-outs the summer before my freshman year and before I knew it, I was the starting JV goalie. I loved every minute of it. Eventually the coach advised the other goalie on JV to think about playing the field, since she was not receiving much playing time, making me the only goalie left besides the senior Varsity goalie. It didn't even dawn on me until two weeks before the season ended that I would be the Varsity goalie next fall. That thought scared me to death. The Varsity goalie this year was "elected" the Western-Mass goalie. I have no idea how I'm supposed to follow up someone like that. Plus, to make matters worse, during the last week of the season, the Varsity coach asked me to practice with them so that if they needed me in the finals I'd be there. It was then that I realised that all my friends were on JV, and not to be pessimistic, but it's very unlikely that they will make the team next year. I feel as if I just won't belong with the rest of them. I would never quit because I love the sport too much and I wouldn't leave the team without an experienced goalie. Any words of wisdom?
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Good goalie drills
I really enjoy your tips on the OBO website. I am coaching for the first time this year and was wondering if you might have some good goalie drills? I have some pretty basic ones down so far, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. Out of three of us that are coaching, none were goalkeepers, so any help you might be able to offer would be much appreciated.
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Drills for warming up
Wondering if you have any drills for warming up goalies and training drills that involves the goalies.
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Drills to impress my coach
I am a high school hockey goalie and I want to impress the new coach with some drills. I would really like to improve my skill level, but I am tired of the same old jab and punching drills. If it isn't too inconvenient, could you please send me some good ideas.
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The instep method
I have begun to teach the instep method. The biggest problem I am seeing with my goalie is that a direct shot is coming at her and she misses the ball on her instep and it ends up going between her legs. It almost looks like her leg is going too far. Do you have any advice?
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Maintaining concentration
Can you recommend any ways of maintaining the high level of concentration required in a game? Often a keeper can be called upon to only make one save in a game, but if you fail to save it, it can cost you dearly. Are there any training methods to improve your level of concentration, so you are ' in the zone' when called upon to make that all-important stop?
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The mental aspect of being a goalie
I have a question about the mental aspect of being a goalie. I am a very competitive player who takes my game seriously. I get myself really psyched up, and sometimes this is a bad thing because after letting a ball in I get mad at myself and basically psych myself out. I let it affect my play too much. I must admit I have a bad mentality for a goalie - in all the other sports I play, I play offence, so this is much different for me. Anywise, I let myself be affected too much by the score. My coach has talked to me about this and I need to improve in this area, especially if I want to be the starter! This even happens in practice. I was wondering if you have any ideas on how I can improve my mentality. What do you personally do to keep yourself in focused during the game? Also, I recently read an article in Sports Illustrated for Women about game preparedness and visualisation and relaxation, that sort of thing. What do you do recommend to do before games so, instead of psyching myself out too much, I can concentrate on my play and stay focused? Thanks so much!
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Getting the ball in play on a 16 yard hit
Could you please reference the rule regarding keepers getting the ball in play on a 16 yard hit? Is it illegal to kick the ball to get it in play? I have always encouraged my players to get the ball rolling and take quick free hits in order to take advantage of gaps in the defence and improve our transition game. I have asked my keeper to do the same...get the ball rolling and take the 16 yard free when she has the opportunity. As long as she is in the circle, is she allowed to use her kicker to do so?
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Broken toenails and swollen feet
I am a young goalkeeper and I play at a very skilful club with many international players but when we do shooting drills I always go home with broken toenails and swollen feet.
There is another goalkeeper in my club who has just recently bought Robo legguards, kickers and hand protectors and he does not seem to be affected by it. Is there any way of preventing my feet getting bruised or do I have to go out and buy Robo legguards and kickers.
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I can’t stop the ball from being dragged around me
I've contacted you once before about a training programme. I have now worked one out with 3 of my forwards. I'm now an average goalie and I'm rising in skill level. After training with Helen Clarke the New Zealand Womens' goalie I've gained more skills being able to stop almost anything hit, flicked or pushed at me. One skill is still sitting in the back... its my sliding, I'm reasonably good at it now but now forwards are learning that they can pull the ball around me.... What can I do now that the other teams in our grade have found out my weakness. I must improve on it. I've read all the tips you and Rachel have put on the OBO site but nothing seems to be working.....Do you have any idea to what I can do??? I have everything I need, I've got the speed, timing and reflexes but I still can't stop the ball from being dragged around me.
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Marking the goalkeeper
Email to the FIH: Can you please provide assistance on the following: What is the correct interpretation of a player marking the goalkeeper (standing very close and in front of) that is not in possession of the ball. As an example: A player is standing in front of the goalkeeper (standing very close and in front of) and the ball is passed to this person. My guess is using the obstruction rule and award the free hit to the defenders. But until the person receives the ball there is no offence, true? The problem as I see it (I'm an umpire, coach and goalkeeper) if the goalkeeper attempts to play the ball there is the risk of taking the player out and the goalkeeper would be penalised because he would contact the players feet and stick first before playing the ball. Also the goalkeepers vision is severely reduced because of the player in front of him prevents a legitimate tackle, as well as this the player in front is causing a situation that could lead to dangerous play by not allowing the goalkeeper to play the ball. The reason I ask this is that on the weekend my son (11 year old) was subjected to being closely marked by an attacker and the umpire responded at the end of the game that there was a new rule this year that allowed this to happen. I was playing goalkeeper when the offside rule was abolished and for a while this style of play ("Marking the goalkeeper") was the norm. These days it does not seem to be the norm, players respect the goalkeepers "space". It is worrying that young children are being coached to "mark" the goalkeeper as I myself will attempt to clear the ball no matter who is in my way (keeping within the rules) and coaches maybe failing in their duty of care, that is exposing players to an unnecessary risk. Please provide guidance on this matter, as the guidance notes for 2001-2002 are no very clear, at least to me.
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Body armour too stiff
My name is James Mizzi, I am 29 and live in Malta. (A very small island in the Mediterranean) I was actually born in Australia where my parents lived for more than 10 years. However, as both of them are Maltese, they decided to return to Malta when I was only 6 months old.
I've been playing hockey here as a keeper for the past 17 years. The last 7 of which, I played for my Club's first team i.e. Young Stars.
I have all your tips so far and also those previously compiled by Rachel. I find them to be of great help to me especially because due to our limited facilities, I have never had any goalkeeping coaching. Thus, I find it very useful to go through your tips every so often. In fact, last year I started coaching my Club's junior goal keepers and its seems to be going very good so far.
I have two questions for you if you don't mind...
1. All my equipment is from the OBO range (except for the protective pants which I will probably be purchasing very shortly) and am extremely satisfied with both the material and protection they provide. Well done! However, about two months ago, I bought the OBO body armour and can't quite yet get use to the elbow part of it. Is it suppose to be so stiff at the elbow? There is a rectangular part which is worn on the outer elbow and I'm finding that to be limiting my hand movements. Is there any way that I could maybe make this part more flexible?
2. Can you suggest any additional material that I can purchase to help me with coaching goalkeepers or do you know of any goalkeepers camps anywhere in Europe where maybe I can attend to help me both in my play and in coaching?
Thanks again for your tips and I look forward with interest for your reply.
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Using the left hand on the ground
I have a question about using my left hand while on the ground. Recently in a game the ball got behind me. I saved it with my left hand right on the left post. I dragged it out with my left hand without thinking. The ref called a stroke (which I saved thankfully). Now I know that he was right to call a stroke, but what is the purpose of this rule: that you can't use your left hand to push (or pull) the ball away from the goal. I can understand that you can't push it when in the air because it's dangerous but on the ground I don't see the reason why. Can you tell me why they have this rule?
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Changing equipment colour
Its Paul Williams from England here and I was wondering if you can help me as I was wondering whether there is anything I can do to make my orange robo legguards and kickers black without losing any of their rebound properties. Thanks
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Tips for shorter keepers
I am a 16 year old goalkeeper in England and want to progress to playing National League hockey with my club. My problem is that I am only 1.73 metres tall and am probably not going to grow a huge amount more. I have done a lot of work on my speed and agility using the SAQ training method. I was wondering if you had any views or general tips for shorter keepers, particularly anything to do with increasing flexibility, in order to reach those shots struck in to the corners. Any feedback would be great.
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Save and clear technique
My last set of kit I put together myself, TK pads and Mercian kickers. With this combination I found the save and clear technique when lying down very easy. Now I have my new Robo kit I find that the same technique is not so effective. I have been using the lower leg to sweep with what technique would you recommend?
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Training tips
The last time I visited this site it was green and you had some tips on training regimes and in particular suggestions for solo training. Where can I find this info?
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Field hockey in the US
Hi; I saw your pages on the Obo site and being a fellow Yank and in the midwest near St. Louis, I had to inquire about field hockey. All the knowledge I have with it is that it's more a womens game. Where do you play and where would I be able to find mens matches to watch? Is there any video that you might be able to give me that shows you in action? I'm real curious as your site pictures (if that's you keeping goal) made me want to see more. Do you use the gear made for field or do you wear hockey gear? As I said, I'm curious and any insights would be most appreciated.
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